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Sunday, January 19

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Monday, January 20

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Tuesday, January 21

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Poster Session & Tradeshow Social - Co-Sponsored by Aquatic Control, HDR Engineering & NASA Grand Ballroom (4th Floor) P-01: Efficacy of Trapping Programs to Control Raccoon Populations Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jennifer Schultze P-02: Zoonotic disease and diet surveys of raccoons (Procyon lotor) across urban-rural gradients in St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri. Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Yonah Bennett P-03: Exploring Variation in Immune Physiology and Movement in White-Tailed Deer Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Holly Redmond P-04: Impacts of Targeted Removals on White-tailed Deer Behavior Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Kristine Cotten P-05: Analysis of Trap Design Characteristics of Fisher Monitoring Stations Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Erik Holterman P-06: Effect of Prairie Dog Burrow Density on Intensity of Ticks on Small Mammals in South Dakota Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Zack Wilson P-07: Using Camera Traps to Explore Coyote Presence Across an Urbanization Gradient in St. Louis Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jacob Meyer P-08: Examining the Intraspecies and Interspecies Communication Between Canid Species in Central Wisconsin Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Adrienne Cohoon P-09: Survey of mammal biodiversity in a midwestern urban natural area using trail cameras: a collaboration between Missouri Western State University (MWSU) and Snapshot USA (2022-2024) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Cary Chevalier P-100: The Use and Integration of Omic Technologies as Tools to Help Connect to Higher Levels of Biological Organization Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jason Magnuson P-101: The Recent Use and Registration Status of Antimycin-A for Native Fish Restorations Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Gavin Saari P-102: Precision of Four Calcified Structures for Age Estimation of Black Carp Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Anne Herndon P-103: Accounting for Positional and Classification Errors in Side-Scan Sonar Imagery Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jason Fischer P-10: Predicting habitat suitability for endangered Indiana bats using niche-based distribution modeling Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Elizabeth Biro P-11: Bat Communities along an Urbanization Gradient in St. Louis, MO Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Elizabeth Biro P-12: Comparing Pre and Post White-nose Syndrome Distributions of Three Bat Species in Eastern Nebraska Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Daniel Peacock P-13: Exploring Fecal and Environmental DNA Detection of Bat Species of Greatest Conservation Need via Nanopore Adaptive Sampling Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Thomas Raad P-14: Tracking Black-crowned Night-herons Across Chicagoland Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Sarah Slayton P-15: Optimizing Density Estimation Methods Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Eastern-Whip-poor-wills (Antrostromus vociferus) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Haley Holiman P-16: WITHDRAWN Grand Ballroom (4th Floor) P-17: Nestling fecal metabarcoding provides insights into the diet and habitat quality of a declining grassland passerine Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Joshua Angell P-18: Long-term Dynamics of Seasonal Tree Phenology and Forest Songbird Populations Across the Central Hardwoods (Preliminary Findings) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Benjamin Tjepkes P-19: Is there a shift in Migration Timing of Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus)? Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Ruby Valadez P-20: Assessing Bird-Window Strike Collisions: Patterns of Avian Mortality and Mitigation Strategies at Ball State University Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Ashley Fitch P-21: Role of acorns in Red-headed Woodpecker overwintering in northeastern Illinois Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Adrianna Yoder P-22: Investigating Wild Turkey Poult and Hen Diets Across Kansas: Landscape Influences on Arthropod and Plant Diversity Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Cy Marchese P-23: Functional Connectivity of Blanding’s Turtle Habitat in Central Michigan Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Mirabai Moseley P-24: Spatial Ecology of Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) on Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge, Northwest Missouri Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Grace Allen P-25: Demographics of Two Spotted Turtle Populations in Clark County, Ohio Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Neil Boyles P-26: Assessment of Spotted Turtle Populations in Southwestern Ohio Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Shayne Harris P-27: Metapopulation Dynamics of Urban Turtles: Why Did the Turtle Leave Campus? Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Mark Mills P-28: Spatial and temporal patterns in Galapagos giant tortoise nesting activity Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Emily Donovan P-29: The Incubation Duration of Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) Nests Located on Cape Lookout National Shoreline Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Claire Sullivan P-30: Indirect Monitoring of Burmese Python (Python Bivittatus) Populations Through Cause-Specific Mortality of Virginia Opossums (Didelphis Virginiana) In Key Largo, Florida, USA Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Arya Sanjar P-31: On The Overwintering Temperatures Of Eastern Copperheads (Agkistrodon contortrix) in East-Central Missouri And The Influence Of Substrate And Shaded Air Temperature On Emergence, Egress, And Ingress Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Ben Jellen P-32: Herpetofauna and Tarantula Avoidance: A Missouri Glades Location Survey Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Zach Pfeiffer P-33: St. Louis Wildlife Project Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Elizabeth Biro P-34: Testing for Tick-borne Disease Pathogens in the Lone Star Tick in St. Louis Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Whitney Anthonysamy P-35: Measuring welfare of wild tarantulas during field surveys using heart rate. Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Tim Lopez P-36: Conservation Status Assessments and Surveys of Cambarus monongalensis and Lacunicambarus thomai Within Western Pennsylvania Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jaden Rusnak P-37: A Survey of Crayfishes of the Upper Cumberland & Kentucky River Watersheds in Southeastern Kentucky Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Kaleb Norris P-38: Effects of Environmental Variables on Crayfish Occupancy in Shallow Eutrophic Lakes and Wetlands Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Dalton Clayton P-39: Freshwater Mussel Diversity and Restoration in Cub Creek, Nebraska Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Alexis Oetterer P-40: Integrating eDNA Techniques in Freshwater Biomonitoring of Fish and Macroinvertebrates Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Madison Suttman P-41: Quantifying Avian Predation Rates of the Colorado Pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Randall Wilson P-42: Assessment of Fish Guilds in the Lower Wabash River Using Standardized Long-Term Monitoring Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Olivia Wertman P-43: Understanding our past and forecasting our future: discovering associations among hydrogeomorphology, water chemistry, and the distribution and abundance of biota in the Upper Mississippi River System Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Julia Hampton P-44: Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) Aquatic Life Monitoring in the Illinois River and Kaskaskia River Basins Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Billy Nixon P-45: A Comparison of Gear Efficacy for Sampling Fishes Occupying Near-Shore, Off-Channel Riverine Habitats Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Devon Oliver P-46: Planning for Resiliency: Identifying Aquatic Conservation Priorities Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Josh Bruegge P-47: Fishing for recovery: Assessing stream fish and macroinvertebrate community response post-fertilizer spill into an Illinois creek. Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Shaley Klumker P-48: Life History of Skipjack Herring in the Mississippi River Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Theodore Goetz P-49: Thermal Ecology of Salmonids in Northern Japan: Predicting Co-existence Among Competitors in a Warming World Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Lucas Fischer P-50: Spatial Extent of Fish Community Change in an Indiana Stream Following Reconnection to the Mississippi River Basin Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Alexander Searfoss P-51: Assessing Differences in Reproductive Potential in Two Shovelnose Sturgeon Populations Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Lydia Flinders P-52: From the cradle: genetic diversity of the central Missouri endemic Niangua darter (Etheostoma nianguae) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Leah Berkman P-53: Distributional Survey of the Fishes of the Lower St. Francis River Watershed Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)David Ostendorf P-54: Assessing Fish Passage Barriers in Wyoming and Montana Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Stephanie Webster P-55: Investigating the sublethal responses of Smallmouth Bass to environmentally relevant concentrations of PFOS Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Erin Pulster P-56: Evidence of skin pigment mutations in Blue Catfish and their importance to a Midwestern fishery Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Brett Miller P-57: Assessment of Habitat Suitability in Maumee and Sandusky Rivers for Sauger (Sander canadensis) Reintroduction Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Elizabeth Anderson P-58: Stock-Contribution Comparisons for Walleye Over Time in Lake McConaughy, Nebraska Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Robert Allison P-59: Assessing Ogaa Mortality and Angling Practices in a Changing Climate Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Mac McPherson P-60: Diet composition and overlap of walleye and largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin lakes: implications for walleye recruitment and size structure of prey fish Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Daniel Dembkowski P-61: Building a case for holistic and conservative management of a genetically unique strain of Walleye in Southern Missouri Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Dave Knuth P-62: Growth and Mortality of Devils Lake White Bass Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Todd Caspers P-63: Where the lake whitefish are in the upper Great Lakes Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Gwendolyn Phillips P-64: How will growth of warm-water and cool-water fish change with warming climate? Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Kaden Ball P-65: Big and Small, We Sample Them All: An Assessment of Missouri’s Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) Fisheries to Guide Management and Sampling Efforts Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Robert Weber P-66: Examining Age-length Relationships across North Platte Channel Catfish (Ictalurus Punctatus) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Sarah Hayden P-67: Fishing in the gaps: minimum sample sizes for supplementing creel surveys with user-generated data Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Mackensie Shears P-68: Maintaining Trophy Potential of Riverine Smallmouth Bass Populations in the Menominee River Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Samantha Embersits P-69: Evaluating Natural Recruitment of Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Black Crappie in Two Community Fishing Ponds in Southeastern South Dakota Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jason Uden P-70: Abundance and growth rates of Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) from Lake Michigan and connected tributary habitats Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Mallory Wagner P-71: Factors Affecting Detection Efficiencies of Acoustic Transmitters in a Large Midwestern Reservoir Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Hannah Thomas P-72: Sanding or Sectioning: how does otolith preparation method affect reader agreement? Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Amelia Finnell P-73: Temporal Replication of Assigned Ages for Silver Carp Otoliths Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Brendon Tran P-74: Evaluating Flood-Induced Habitat Connections Using Remotely Sensed Data Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Natalie Liberati P-75: Natal Origin and Movement of Invasive Carp in the Missouri River Basin Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Hannah Mulligan P-76: Investigating Bigheaded Carp Migratory Behavior in a Large Lotic System Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Logan Zebro P-77: Temporal Occupancy of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) within Tributaries of the Ohio River Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Patrick Padilla P-78: Community Sampling Gears Affect Silver Carp Density Estimates Derived from Hydroacoustic Surveys Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Garrett Johnson P-79: Spatial and Temporal Trends of Silver Carp Body Condition in the Ohio River Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Adam Musolf P-80: Tracking Movement and Habitat Utilization of Invasive Carp Within the Presence Front of the Ohio River Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Andrew Peters P-81: Evaluating Conspecific Feeding Sounds as an Attractant for Invasive Carp Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Adam McFall P-82: Genetic control of grass carp through RNA interference Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Chris Merkes P-83: Determining hybridization of bighead and silver carp by analyzing body shape with geometric morphometric techniques Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Alexandra Johnson P-84: Impacts of Spatiotemporal Variation of Hydrological Conditions on Native and Invasive Ichthyoplankton Communities in the Lower Wabash River Basin Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Alexis Gerber P-85: Quantifying the Impacts of Invasive Carp through Monitoring Native, Planktivorous Gizzard Shad in the Open River Reach Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Kamryn Wittkop P-86: How invasive carp removal affects fish community size spectra. Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Charles McDunn P-87: EcoPath with Ecosim: Application in the lower Mississippi River for Invasive Bighead and Silver Carp Management Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Kassidy Frame P-88: Invasive Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and the impact on native fish communities throughout the Mississippi River basin Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Justin Harms P-89: Effects of Embryonic Exposure to Predation Cues on Embryo and Larval Behavior in Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Abby Yake P-90: Density and community composition of aquatic invertebrates in interdunal wetland ponds at Ludington State Park, MI, USA Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Rowan Faust P-91: Comparisons of Zooplankton Communities Before and After Chemical Renovation in Lake Ogallala, Nebraska Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Theo Huber P-92: Angler use and satisfaction of South Dakota urban and community fisheries following supplemental stocking of adult Largemouth Bass and Hybrid Sunfish Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Aysah Dondlinger P-93: Fishy Business: How to Market the Outdoors Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Benjamin Poli P-94: Urban Wildlife Management success: Eleven years of Canada goose (Branta Canadensis) population management on Missouri Western State University campus. Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Cary Chevalier P-95: Subject Matter Focus of State Fish and Wildlife Conservation Magazines Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Ashley Hrdina P-96: Development and Cloud Implementation of the New Annual National Land Cover Database for the United States Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jesslyn Brown P-97: Impact of L-Dopa on the growth and development of Brassica: Insights from velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) seed metabolomics Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Sonja Weber P-98: Velvet bean soil inclusions enhance tomatoes' growth, biomass, and photosynthetic assimilation efficiency Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Sonja Weber P-99: The Next Frontier: Development of a Lake Fish Biogeographical Model in the Canadian Shield, Minnesota Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jessica Massure
Wednesday, January 22

7:00am CST

8:00am CST

8:20am CST

Fisheries Track: Evaluating Lake Sturgeon Spawning Site Use and the Relative Contribution of Spawning Tributaries to Harvest in the Lake Winnebago System Regency C (2nd Floor)Samantha Embersits Fisheries Track: Looking Towards the Future: Individual Identification Tag Exploration on Bigmouth Shiners for use on Small-bodied At-risk Fish in Nebraska Regency B (2nd Floor)Joe Spooner S-07: Fisheries dependent and independent data inform a capture technique for an emerging invasive fish species in the mainstem Mississippi River; Black Carp Mylopharyngodon piceus Regency E (2nd Floor)Patrick Kroboth S-08: The Status of the Crawfish Frog, Lithobates areolatus, in Kansas Grand B (4th Floor)Daren Riedle S-11: Development of Point-of-Use Detection Tools for Prevention and Control of Red Swamp Crayfish Grand C (4th Floor)Caden Jungbluth S-13: Harmful Algal Blooms, Leveraging Remotely Sensed Data for Timely Decisions and Long-term Understanding Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)Nicholas Sievert S-14: How RAD are Walleye Fisheries at the Southern End of their Range? Regency A (2nd Floor)Melissa Wuellner S-15: Modifying Water Velocities to Promote Lake Sturgeon Spawning Success on the Mississippi River Grand A (4th Floor)Sarah Peper S-16: Climate Science in Service of Migratory Bird Management Regency D (2nd Floor)olivia ledee S-17: Is It Working? An Evaluation of a State's R3 Programs Regency E (2nd Floor)Cynthia Longmire S-19: The Five Land Languages: How Differing Perceptions of Place Constrain Conservation Delivery, and What We Can Do About It Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )Karl Malcolm

8:40am CST

Fisheries Track: Assessing Age and Incremental Growth Rates in Cedar River Shovelnose Sturgeon through an 18-year Mark-Recapture Dataset Regency C (2nd Floor)Juliana Kaloczi Fisheries Track: Taxonomic and Functional Shifts in Riverine Fish Community Assemblages Across Midwest National Parks Regency B (2nd Floor)Lily Thompson S-07: Development and Assessment of Novel Tools and Techniques for Capture, Deterrence, and Monitoring of Invasive Carp Regency E (2nd Floor)Jesse Fischer S-08: Evaluating the Status of Crawfish Frogs (Rana areolata) in Oklahoma through Frog Call Surveys and Species Distribution Models Grand B (4th Floor)Kaleb Banks S-11: Red Swamp Crayfish Home Range and Movement in an Invaded Lentic Ecosystem Grand C (4th Floor)William Ota S-13: Integrating Long-term Assessment Data to Evaluate Muskellunge Stocking across Wisconsin Inland Lakes Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)Alexander Latzka S-14: Understanding and building resilience in Green Bay walleye populations Regency A (2nd Floor)Daniel Dembkowski S-15: Lake Sturgeon Response to Modified Flows on the Salt River Grand A (4th Floor)Annie Hentschke S-16: Microclimates and Species Life History Differences Inform Climate Vulnerability in a Grassland Songbird Community Regency D (2nd Floor)Benjamin Zuckerberg S-17: Attracting Diverse Participants to School Shooting Sports Programs (Formal Project Title: Youth Shooting Sports Diversity and Engagement) Regency E (2nd Floor)Hiroto Hayashi S-19: Promoting Habitat: Engage, connect, empower and instill an ownership. People protect what they value Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )

9:00am CST

Fisheries Track: If at First You Don’t Succeed: The Evolution of Capture Methods in Great Lakes Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) Control Regency B (2nd Floor)Robert Mapes Fisheries Track: Molecular Sexing of Lake Sturgeon Allows for Determination of Sex Ratios and Sex-Specific Growth Rates in the St. Clair – Detroit River System Regency C (2nd Floor)Andrew Briggs S-07: A New and Innovative Method for Invasive Carp Ichthyoplankton Dispersal Control and Monitoring in Open-River Conditions Regency E (2nd Floor)Ryan Jackson S-08: Current status and future directions for Crawfish Frog conservation in Arkansas Grand B (4th Floor)Amanda Bryant S-11: Habitat Selectivity by Invasive Red Swamp Crayfish Grand C (4th Floor)Sarah Walker S-13: A Long-Term Study of the Impacts of Patch-Burn Grazing with Cattle as a Prairie Management Tool on Remnant Tallgrass Prairie in Missouri Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)Tom Thompson S-14: The Recovery of Saginaw Bay Walleye, a Case Study in Resiliency Regency A (2nd Floor)David Fielder S-15: Assessing the effects of experimental flow releases on Shovelnose Sturgeon spawning in the Des Moines River, Iowa Grand A (4th Floor)McKensie Vaske S-16: Joint Venture Decision Support Tools: Brainstorming Ideas to Account for Climate Change Regency D (2nd Floor)Mohammed Al-Saffar S-17: Attracting New Adult Hunters with Tested Messages and Ideal Media (Formal Project Title: New Hunter Ads for Target Audience) Regency E (2nd Floor)Hiroto Hayashi S-18: Overview of DEIJA and Indigenous relations in AFS Mills 3 (4th Floor)Jory Jonas S-19: Missouri Habitat Strike Teams: Partnering for Collaborative Landscape Conservation Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )Megan Buchanan

9:20am CST

Fisheries Track: Alternative Data Sources Predict (Dis)similar Connectivity Networks Among Minnesota Lakes Regency B (2nd Floor)Aaron Muehler Fisheries Track: Intraspecific variation in stable isotopes provides insight into adfluvial migrations and ecology of brook trout in Lake Superior tributaries Regency C (2nd Floor)Brandon Gerig S-07: Effectiveness of an invasive carp underwater acoustic deterrent system at Mississippi River Lock 19 Regency E (2nd Floor)Janice Albers S-08: Status of the Crawfish Frog (Lithobates areolatus) in Missouri Grand B (4th Floor)Jeff Briggler S-11: Influence of Environmental Characteristics on Procambarus clarkii Burrowing in Southeast Michigan Golf Course Waterbodies Grand C (4th Floor)Colin Assenmacher S-13: Incorporating Long-term Fisheries Data to Understand Fish Recruitment in a Dynamic Ecosystem Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)Andrew Foley S-14: Managing Sustainable Walleye Harvest on Lake Erie Regency A (2nd Floor)Travis Hartman S-15: Shovelnose Sturgeon Summer Habitat Selection on the Des Moines River, Iowa Grand A (4th Floor)Daniel Paulson S-16: Predicted Migratory Landbird Response to Climate Change in Texas and Louisiana Regency D (2nd Floor)Theodore Zenzal S-17: Harnessing the Growth in 35–44-Year-Old Participation Regency E (2nd Floor)Lisa Parks S-18: A History of STEM and DEIA: Challenges, Trailblazers, and What the Future Holds Mills 3 (4th Floor)Gweniviere Oubre S-19: Collaborative Conservation for the Next Generation Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )Rachael Carlberg

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  • S-01: Flight of Discovery: Bird Research & Monitoring within the Mississippi Flyway
  • S-02: Connecting the Dots: Addressing Aquatic Habitat Fragmentation Across the Midwest
  • S-03: CWD: A Wicked Challenge
  • S-04: Building Resilient Salmonid Populations with Multi-faceted Management and Research Approaches (PART 1)
  • S-04: Building Resilient Salmonid Populations with Multi-faceted Management and Research Approaches (PART 2)
  • S-05: Working Lands & Resilient Streams: The Power of Partnering with Landowners
  • S-06: Restoring and Reconstructing Endangered Ecosystems in Missouri: Case Studies of Prairie/Savanna/Woodland and Wetland Natural Communities
  • S-07: Sharing Knowledge Across Sub-basins: Invasive Carp in the Missouri River Basin and Beyond
  • S-07: Sharing Knowledge Across Sub-basins: Invasive Carp in the Missouri River Basin and Beyond (PART 1
  • S-08: Conservation of Crawfish Frogs and Other Amphibians and Reptiles of the Midwest
  • S-09: Conservation Social Science: Informing Management and Enhancing Engagement in the Midwest
  • S-10: Charting a Path Forward - Fisheries and Aquatic Plant Management Now and in the Future
  • S-11: Crayfish Conservation and Management
  • S-12: Not Just for Ducks…Reframing Marshes as Working Water Gardens
  • S-13: Living Data on the Road to Resilience: Opportunities/Challenges/Best Practices
  • S-14: Thriving Amidst Challenges: Examining Resilient Walleye Populations
  • S-15: The Sustainable Rivers Program - Reoperating Corps of Engineers Water Infrastructure to Enhance Environmental Benefits
  • S-16: Migratory Birds and Climate Change: Science to Inform Management
  • S-17: Applied Science and Adaptation of R3 Efforts
  • S-18: FishCAST: Working Towards a Better Future for All Fisheries Professionals
  • S-19: How is Landscape Conservation Relevant to You?
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