Tuesday January 21, 2025 1:20pm - 1:40pm CST
AUTHORS: Cali Engel, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Mark Pegg, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

ABSTRACT: Aquatic invasive species (AIS) have been a growing concern for many fisheries managers and biologists throughout the United States. In Eastern Nebraska, White perch (Morone americana) have been found in a variety of lakes, including Branched Oak Lake, Pawnee Lake, Holmes Lake, and Wildwood Lake. Waterbodies with high densities of this species may cause them to become stunted, maintaining a small size and being undesirable by anglers. Branched Oak Lake and Pawnee Lake contain an abundance of stunted white perch, making management of these reservoirs difficult. Interestingly, there are at least two reservoirs in Southeast Nebraska that contain populations of white perch that are not stunted. Despite their geographic proximity to Branched Oak Lake and Pawnee Lake, Holmes Lake and Wildwood Lake contain populations of white perch desirable to anglers. This study assesses the age structure and growth rates of White perch populations in these four lakes to better understand the differences in population dynamics of populations across different densities. Size structures were markedly different among the four study lakes as expected. Exact differences between stunted and non-stunted populations will be compared to begin determining factors that may influence the propensity for stunting.
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Cali Engel

Undergraduate student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tuesday January 21, 2025 1:20pm - 1:40pm CST
Regency D (2nd Floor)

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