Tuesday January 21, 2025 1:40pm - 2:00pm CST
AUTHORS:  Bianca Saftoiu, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Dr. Mark Johnson, US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory; Patrick Wolff, US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory; Dr. Jinelle Sperry, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

ABSTRACT:  Tall-grass prairies are among the most threatened ecosystems in North America with less than 0.01% remaining in the state of Illinois. Effective prairie restoration in the Midwest is thus essential and requires that the health of the ecosystem be managed by re-establishing functional ecological communities, including prairie-associated wildlife species. Small mammals serve as an effective taxonomic group to monitor given their importance to ecological functioning across trophic levels and their sensitivity to habitat disturbance. Various passive and invasive survey methods have been used to evaluate mammalian species because of challenges associated with varying body size, temporal activity patterns, and cryptic behaviors. In this study we compare three distinct methods including live trapping, bucket camera traps, and airborne environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling for monitoring small mammal communities in restored prairies. In 2023 we surveyed ten prairie sites in Illinois and found that live trapping allowed for more specific identification to the species level while bucket cameras generally detected a greater species richness. We were also able to detect vertebrate DNA within the ten prairies using eDNA methods, however, the quantity of DNA varied across sites. Based upon these preliminary results, we can infer that a combination of both traditional and modern methods will offer a more comprehensive assessment of small mammal community composition within restored prairies.

Bianca Saftoiu

Graduate Research Assistant, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Tuesday January 21, 2025 1:40pm - 2:00pm CST
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )

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