Tuesday January 21, 2025 10:40am - 11:00am CST
AUTHORS: Jeffrey T. Briggler, Missouri Department of Conservation

ABSTRACT: Missouri is home for 117 native species of amphibians and reptiles with 33 considered species of conservation concern. Six species of conservation concern (i.e., Hellbenders, Western Chicken Turtles, Blanding’s Turtles, Yellow Mud Turtles, Mississippi Green Watersnakes, and Massasaugas) are listed as state endangered. These species occur in a variety of habitats (e.g., upland and bottomland grasslands, Ozark Highlands rivers and streams, bottomland, forested swamps, etc.). Most of these species have declined due to loss of terrestrial and wetland habitats throughout Missouri. Considerable effort has been devoted to the management and recovery of many of these species for decades. An overview of their status and conservation efforts will be presented with other interesting highlights.

Jeff Briggler

State Herpetologist, Missouri Department of Conservation
Tuesday January 21, 2025 10:40am - 11:00am CST

Attendees (5)

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