Tuesday January 21, 2025 2:00pm - 2:20pm CST
AUTHORS: Scott Jones - University of Arkansas Pine Bluff

ABSTRACT: The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission initiated a vegetation re-establishment project on Lake DeGray in 2019 utilizing up to 22 stationary floating vegetation dispersion cages, termed “Arkansas Cubes,” loaded primarily with coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum). A concurrent project using commercially-available down and side-imaging sonar systems was implemented to track the expansion of naturally-rebounding and emerging colonies in sixteen sites featuring Arkansas Cubes and five sites without. Submerged aquatic vegetation was detected throughout lower Lake DeGray from 377 to 405 feet MSL, with coontail detected most frequently between 388 to 397 feet MSL. Coontail was observed in ten of sixteen ‘Cube sites. Eight of those sites had coontail directly underneath the ‘Cubes that did not exist before the ‘Cubes were installed. This is compelling evidence that the ‘Cubes have influenced the development of new coontail colonies. However, significant natural regrowth clouds the true impact of the ‘Cubes as coontail has also been observed in four of five ‘Cube-less sites. Insights on general colonization patterns observed in Lake DeGray will be discussed to help guide surveillance programs on other reservoirs selected for Arkansas Cube trials.

Scott Jones

Small Impoundment Extension Specialist, University of Arkansas Pine Bluff
Tuesday January 21, 2025 2:00pm - 2:20pm CST
Regency B (2nd Floor)

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