Tuesday January 21, 2025 1:20pm - 1:40pm CST
AUTHORS:  Hannah Holbert, West Liberty University; Zackary Graham, West Liberty University; Zachary Loughman, West Liberty University

ABSTRACT:  There is no standard for individual captive husbandry of Cambaridae crayfish species, despite captive propagation being an important factor in reintroduction efforts. The Big Sandy Crayfish (Cambarus callainus) and the Guyandotte River Crayfish (Cambarus veteranus) are recognized under the Endangered Species Act as Threatened and Endangered, respectively. Active propagation projects are underway for C. callainus, but standards are still being developed. In order to set a baseline protocol for these federally listed Cambarus species, a shelter preference study was conducted using the Big Water Crayfish (Cambarus robustus). C. robustus is a large-bodied, tertiary burrowing crayfish species native to the eastern coast of the United States and Ontario, Canada. C. robustus commonly occurs in lotic environments and prefers large slab boulders for shelter. Due to similar life history strategies and habitat preferences, this species serves as a potential surrogate for related species such as C. callainus. 31 individual crayfish took part in two trials each, where shelter choices included a natural rock shelter and a piece of clear acrylic, or a natural shelter and tinted acrylic. Trials were conducted for 24-hours, where shelter usage and behavior were monitored through video recordings. Our results suggest that C. robustus will use all shelter types, although natural shelters were occupied more frequently overall. Sex and size of the individuals had minimal or no influence on shelter use. Future research should continue to investigate optimal husbandry practices and rearing techniques for Cambarus species where propagation efforts are necessary.

Hannah Holbert

Graduate Student, West Liberty University
Tuesday January 21, 2025 1:20pm - 1:40pm CST
Grand C (4th Floor)

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