Tuesday January 21, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm CST
AUTHORS: Jaden Rusnak, West Liberty University; Zackary Graham, West Liberty University; David Lieb, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission; Zachary Loughman, West Liberty University

ABSTRACT: Previous large-scale burrowing crayfish collection efforts in western Pennsylvania have suggested that the Blue Crayfish (Cambarus monongalensis) and the Little Brown Mudbug (Lacunicambarus thomai) have limited distributions throughout the state. Range restrictions of C. monangalensis and L. thomai limit available information necessary for current conservation assessment in the state of Pennsylvania. Future conservation assessments may consider relisting these crayfish for a higher ranking, such as critically imperiled. In order to aid in the reassessment of C. monongalensis and L. thomai, this study aims to compile all records from Pennsylvania collected such as unpublished sources, reports, publications, and museum specimens. Data collected will then be utilized to determine the distribution of C. monongalensis and L. thomai, ultimately supplying the information needed to conserve and manage these ecologically important species.

Jaden Rusnak

Graduate Student, West Liberty University
Tuesday January 21, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm CST
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)

Attendees (4)

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