Tuesday January 21, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm CST
AUTHORS: Kaleb Norris, West Liberty University, Eric Ng, West Liberty University, Kathryn Shultz, West Liberty University, Mike Compton, Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission, Zachary Loughman, West Liberty University

ABSTRACT: The geomorphological and environmental factors within the Appalachian Mountain province of southeastern Kentucky have characterized an ecoregion capable of supporting over 20 species of crayfish. Three larger scale surveys focused on crayfish fauna within Kentucky have been completed since Arnold Ortmann’s survey in 1931. However, a study focused solely on the southeastern province of Kentucky has not yet occurred. West Liberty University’s Astacology Lab will be conducting field surveys within the Upper Cumberland & Kentucky River watersheds, throughout the 2024 – 2025 field season, to compile a comprehensive species list and updated range map of crayfish faunal diversity. Contemporary range maps of crayfish fauna will provide insight into the conservation needs of specimens within the province. Large regional scale crayfish surveys have historically led to new or undocumented discoveries as well as taxonomic revisions of local crayfish fauna. Preliminary data collected from the West Liberty University Astacology Lab during the 2022 – 2024 field season has extended the known ranges of at least 3 species and revealed numerous taxonomic complexities of the crayfish fauna within southeastern Kentucky.

Kaleb Norris

Graduate Student, West Liberty
Tuesday January 21, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm CST

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