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2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
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Jason A DeBoer{c68ad5f VFED..CL. .F.P.... 0,0-1032,183 #7f0901c1 app:id/input_company aid=1073741826}
, January 19
4:00pm CST
Joint Winter Business Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Jason Gostiaux
6:00pm CST
Welcome Networking Social - Sponsored by USFWS
Grand Foyer (4th Floor)
, January 20
7:00am CST
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors - Sponsored by St. Louis Zoo WildCare Institute
Grand Foyer (4th Floor)
8:00am CST
Plenary Session 1 and Awards
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Ben Batten • Jim Inglis
10:30am CST
North Central Division AFS Business Meeting
Grand A (4th Floor)
Daniel Isermann
12:00pm CST
Student & Professional Networking Luncheon (pre-registration required)
Grand Ballroom (DEFGH)
2:00pm CST
Fisheries Track: Diet and Niche Overlap of Blue Catfish and Resident Reservoir Sportfishes to Inform Stocking Decisions
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Jacob Bentley
2:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Zooplankton in the Upper Mississippi River System
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Molly Sobotka
3:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Environmental changes lead to reduced Walleye production in Mille Lacs Lake, Minnesota
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Tom Jones
Fisheries Track: Spatial and temporal resource use of the Upper Mississippi River
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Shaley Valentine
5:00pm CST
Invasive Species Technical Committee Information and Interest Meeting
Sterling 6 (2nd Floor)
Hannah Mulligan • Logan Zebro
6:00pm CST
Offsite Dinner and Social ($) - Sponsored by Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation
Anheuser-Busch Brewery
, January 21
8:00am CST
Plenary Session 2 and Awards
Grand Ballroom (DEFGH)
Rob Hunt • Roger Still
10:20am CST
Fisheries Track: Determination and Comparison of Morphometrics and Meristics Used to Identify River and Shorthead Redhorse
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Devon Oliver
S-07:Cooperative Inter-Agency Management of Invasive Carps in the United States
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Rob Simmonds
11:00am CST
Fisheries Track: Big River Bluegill: How and why bluegill population dynamics vary along a large river gradient
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Kristen Bouska
11:40am CST
Fisheries Track: Flow and temperature impacts on catfish populations in two Missouri River tributaries
Regency D (2nd Floor)
BJ Schall
1:20pm CST
S-07: What could adaptive management of invasive bigheaded carp in the Tennessee and Cumberland river subbasins look like?
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Michael Colvin
1:40pm CST
Wildlife Track: Inter-specific differences in waterfowl responses to hunting pressure and environmental conditions at an autumn stopover
Regency F (2nd Floor)
Abigail Blake-Bradshaw
2:20pm CST
S-07: Invasive Carp Growth Chronologies: Management Tool To Help Evaluate Harvest Success?
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Kaiden Vinavich
3:20pm CST
S-09: Anonymous Location Data Integrated with Intercept Surveys: A Powerful Combined Approach to Measuring Lake Recreation
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Rebecca Krogman
3:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Navigating the Currents: Investigating Environmental Cues for Pallid Sturgeon Immigration and Emigration for a Missouri River Tributary
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Jenna Ruoss
4:00pm CST
Fisheries Track: Dispersal of Juvenile Lake Sturgeon Stocked in the Saginaw River Basin
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Maxwell Majinska
4:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Reproductive Characteristics of a Vulnerable Riverine Specialist in the Unchannelized Missouri River
Regency C (2nd Floor)
BJ Schall
4:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Native Rough Fish Management Progress in Minnesota
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Shannon Fisher
6:00pm CST
P-43: Understanding our past and forecasting our future: discovering associations among hydrogeomorphology, water chemistry, and the distribution and abundance of biota in the Upper Mississippi River System
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Julia Hampton
P-46: Planning for Resiliency: Identifying Aquatic Conservation Priorities
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Josh Bruegge
P-48: Life History of Skipjack Herring in the Mississippi River
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Theodore Goetz
P-50: Spatial Extent of Fish Community Change in an Indiana Stream Following Reconnection to the Mississippi River Basin
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Alexander Searfoss
P-51: Assessing Differences in Reproductive Potential in Two Shovelnose Sturgeon Populations
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Lydia Flinders
P-56: Evidence of skin pigment mutations in Blue Catfish and their importance to a Midwestern fishery
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Brett Miller
P-60: Diet composition and overlap of walleye and largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin lakes: implications for walleye recruitment and size structure of prey fish
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Daniel Dembkowski
P-68: Maintaining Trophy Potential of Riverine Smallmouth Bass Populations in the Menominee River
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Sam Embersits
P-75: Natal Origin and Movement of Invasive Carp in the Missouri River Basin
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Hannah Mulligan
P-76: Investigating Bigheaded Carp Migratory Behavior in a Large Lotic System
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Logan Zebro
P-78: Community Sampling Gears Affect Silver Carp Density Estimates Derived from Hydroacoustic Surveys
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Garrett Johnson
P-85: Quantifying the Impacts of Invasive Carp through Monitoring Native, Planktivorous Gizzard Shad in the Open River Reach
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Kamryn Wittkop
P-86: How invasive carp removal affects fish community size spectra.
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Charles McDunn
P-88: Invasive Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and the impact on native fish communities throughout the Mississippi River basin
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Justin Harms
, January 22
8:20am CST
S-15: Modifying Water Velocities to Promote Lake Sturgeon Spawning Success on the Mississippi River
Grand A (4th Floor)
Sarah Peper
8:40am CST
Fisheries Track: Assessing Age and Incremental Growth Rates in Cedar River Shovelnose Sturgeon through an 18-year Mark-Recapture Dataset
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Juliana Kaloczi
9:00am CST
Fisheries Track: Molecular Sexing of Lake Sturgeon Allows for Determination of Sex Ratios and Sex-Specific Growth Rates in the St. Clair – Detroit River System
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Andrew Briggs
S-15: Assessing the effects of experimental flow releases on Shovelnose Sturgeon spawning in the Des Moines River, Iowa
Grand A (4th Floor)
McKensie Vaske
9:20am CST
S-07: Effectiveness of an invasive carp underwater acoustic deterrent system at Mississippi River Lock 19
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Janice Albers
S-15: Shovelnose Sturgeon Summer Habitat Selection on the Des Moines River, Iowa
Grand A (4th Floor)
Daniel Paulson
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