Monday January 20, 2025 12:00pm - 1:30pm CST
This unique networking event will feature speakers and opportunities to interact with professionals in your chosen area of interest. This is a great opportunity for students to interact with fisheries and wildlife professionals in small groups to discuss professional/career development!

We hope you make the most out of this experience.
  • Students: we encourage you to come prepared to ask questions. 
  • Professionals: be ready to discuss a variety of topics, for example: career development, transitioning from school, qualifications needed for various professions, and the realities of working in the natural resources field. 

Seating at this event is open but there will be table signs indicating certain areas of interest / job sectors so that people may be grouped with others of similar background (full list below - some topics may be combined at one table); Students and Mentors are welcome to sit together.

Not sure where to sit because you're interested in multiple topics? Sit anywhere! There are always connections to be made across the industry regardless of background. You never know who you'll meet!

List of table topics / areas of interest:
Wildlife - State Agency
Wildlife - Federal Agency
Wildlife - University / Research Institutions
Wildlife - NGOs / Private Sector / Tribal Groups
Fisheries - State Agency
Fisheries - Federal Agency
Fisheries - University / Research Institutions
Fisheries - NGOs / Private Sector / Tribal Groups
Business Administration
Education and Outdoor Marketing
Human Dimensions
Invasive Species
Spatial Ecology
Policy and Law Enforcement
Fish Culture
Graduate Student
Monday January 20, 2025 12:00pm - 1:30pm CST
Grand Ballroom (DEFGH)
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