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2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
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Todd Caspers
North Dakota Game and Fish Department
District Fisheries Biologist
, January 19
4:00pm CST
Joint Winter Business Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Jason Gostiaux
6:00pm CST
Welcome Networking Social - Sponsored by USFWS
Grand Foyer (4th Floor)
, January 20
7:00am CST
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors - Sponsored by St. Louis Zoo WildCare Institute
Grand Foyer (4th Floor)
8:00am CST
Plenary Session 1 and Awards
Ben Batten • Jim Inglis
10:05am CST
Coffee Break - Sponsored by Wildlife Management Institute
10:30am CST
North Central Division AFS Business Meeting
Grand A (4th Floor)
Daniel Isermann
12:00pm CST
Student & Professional Networking Luncheon (pre-registration required)
1:40pm CST
S-05: Fishers & Farmers Partnership: Energizing Healthy Farms & Fish Habitats Through Neighbor Connections
Grand B (4th Floor)
Ben Lubinski
2:00pm CST
Fisheries Track: Identifying Spawning Sites and Fidelity of Ogaa (walleye Sander Vitreus): Implications for Fishery Stewardship
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Kayla Lenz
2:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Evaluating the influence of climate change on walleye and largemouth bass consumption rates in a northern Wisconsin lake
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Jeston Hassler
2:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Movement of Walleye and Sauger assessed using acoustic telemetry in Lewis and Clark Lake, a Missouri River reservoir
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Will Radigan
3:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Environmental changes lead to reduced Walleye production in Mille Lacs Lake, Minnesota
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Tom Jones
3:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Evaluating the distribution of fish community production in northern Wisconsin lakes with different walleye recruitment histories
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Maxwel Wilkinson
4:00pm CST
Fisheries Track: Evaluation of otolith and eye lens chemistry for identifying stocked Walleye
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Joshua Fluur
4:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Addressing the Data Need to Manage Future Change in Fisheries
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Madalyn Siller
4:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Assessing Habitat Quality Changes for Cool- and Warm-Water Fishes
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Madalyn Siller
5:00pm CST
S-05: The Nature Conservancy at Dog Tooth Bend
Grand B (4th Floor)
Tharran Hobson
, January 21
7:00am CST
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors - Sponsored by PayIt
8:00am CST
Plenary Session 2 and Awards
Rob Hunt • Roger Still
10:20am CST
Fisheries Track: Apples and Oranges? Using radio and acoustic telemetry to evaluate restoration success.
Seth Fopma
10:40am CST
Fisheries Track: Enhancing the science of age estimation: the creation of
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Mark Pegg
11:00am CST
S-10: Fisheries Response to Lake Restoration Projects in Northwest Iowa Natural Lakes
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Michael Hawkins
11:20am CST
S-10: Why I'm establishing aquatic plants, and you should too!
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Nick Kramer
11:40am CST
Fisheries Track: Flow and temperature impacts on catfish populations in two Missouri River tributaries
Regency D (2nd Floor)
BJ Schall
1:20pm CST
S-09: Pragmatic Applications of Creel Surveys
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Susan Steffen
1:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Response of Fish Communities to Backwater Restoration in the Upper Mississippi River
Hannah Lenning
2:00pm CST
S-04: Brook Trout Management in the Iowa Driftless Region
Grand A (4th Floor)
Mike Siepker
2:20pm CST
S-09: Quantifying angler harvest decisions using four decades of creel survey data
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Ben Neely
2:40pm CST
S-04: Brook Trout Restoration in Iowa using Multi-Pass Electrofishing to Removal Nonnatives
Grand A (4th Floor)
Caleb Schnitzler
3:20pm CST
S-09: Anonymous Location Data Integrated with Intercept Surveys: A Powerful Combined Approach to Measuring Lake Recreation
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Rebecca Krogman
3:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Examining stunted Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) population in River Reservoir
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Kaden Ball
4:00pm CST
Fisheries Track: Dispersal of Juvenile Lake Sturgeon Stocked in the Saginaw River Basin
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Maxwell Majinska
4:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Benefits and pitfalls of using time-lapse-photography to collect urban angler information
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Lewis Bruce
4:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Native Rough Fish Management Progress in Minnesota
Shannon Fisher
6:00pm CST
Poster Session & Tradeshow Social - C0-Sponsored by Aquatic Control, HDR Engineering & NASA
P-62: Growth and Mortality of Devils Lake White Bass
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Todd Caspers
, January 22
7:00am CST
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors
8:00am CST
S-14: Managing for Resilient Walleye Populations: Avoiding an Ecological Tipping Point
Regency A (2nd Floor)
Greg Sass
8:20am CST
S-14: How RAD are Walleye Fisheries at the Southern End of their Range?
Regency A (2nd Floor)
Melissa Wuellner
8:40am CST
S-14: Understanding and building resilience in Green Bay walleye populations
Regency A (2nd Floor)
Daniel Dembkowski
9:00am CST
S-14: The Recovery of Saginaw Bay Walleye, a Case Study in Resiliency
Regency A (2nd Floor)
David Fielder
9:20am CST
S-14: Managing Sustainable Walleye Harvest on Lake Erie
Regency A (2nd Floor)
Travis Hartman
9:40am CST
S-14: Using angler derived data to assess walleye fisheries and resilience
Regency A (2nd Floor)
Jeff Kopaska
10:20am CST
S-14: 40 Years of Walleye Observations in Pool 14 of the Upper Miss. River
Regency A (2nd Floor)
Jeremiah Haas
10:40am CST
S-14: Lake Pepin - Perspectives from 60 Years of Annual Monitoring
Regency A (2nd Floor)
Nick Schlesser
11:00am CST
S-14: Devils Lake Walleye: History and Factors Impacting Sustainability.
Regency A (2nd Floor)
Todd Caspers
11:20am CST
S-14: Factors affecting year-class strength of Walleye (Sander vitreus) populations in western irrigation reservoirs
Regency A (2nd Floor)
Steve Chipps
11:40am CST
S-14: Seeing (bright) spots: Factors related to unexpected walleye success
Regency A (2nd Floor)
Christopher Rounds
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