AUTHORS: Kaden Ball, South Dakota State University; Chuck Mordhorst, Arizona Game and Fish Department
ABSTRACT: This study examined the population dynamics of a severely stunted Yellow Perch Perca flavescens population in a high mountain reservoir in the White Mountains of Arizona. River Reservoir sustains a low-density population of trophy Brown Trout Salmo trutta creating a highly prized regional fishery. Yellow Perch have been determined to be an important prey item for Brown Trout in this system contributing to the large sizes Brown Trout attain in the reservoir. The yellow perch population has always been assumed to be stunted based on field observations, but this had never been confirmed. In order to determine if stunting was occurring and to what extent we aged Yellow Perch using otoliths and quantified rates of growth recruitment and mortality. We determined that Yellow Perch in this system are severely stunted relative to other populations and discuss the implications for managing a highly utilized trophy Brown Trout fishery based on these results.