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2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
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Hannah Mulligan
South Dakota State University
Graduate Research Assistant
, January 19
8:00am CST
Conference Registration Desk Open
Grand Coatroom (4th Floor)
12:00pm CST
W-09: Tour of the Hellbender Propagation Facility and Herpetarium at the St. Louis Zoo (CAPACITY FULL)
5:00pm CST
Student Icebreaker Meet & Greet
6:00pm CST
Welcome Networking Social - Sponsored by USFWS
Grand Foyer (4th Floor)
, January 20
7:00am CST
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors - Sponsored by St. Louis Zoo WildCare Institute
Grand Foyer (4th Floor)
8:00am CST
Plenary Session 1 and Awards
Ben Batten • Jim Inglis
10:05am CST
Coffee Break - Sponsored by Wildlife Management Institute
10:30am CST
North Central Division AFS Business Meeting
Grand A (4th Floor)
Daniel Isermann
12:00pm CST
Student & Professional Networking Luncheon (pre-registration required)
1:40pm CST
S-03: CWD: Strengthening Public Involvement: Iowa’s Multifaceted Approach to CWD Outreach and Management
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Catherine Cummings
2:00pm CST
S-03: CWD: Identifying the Motivations and Barriers of Landowners to Participating in Targeted Removal to Manage Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Missouri
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Jason Isabelle
2:20pm CST
S-03: CWD: Exploring Landowners’ Support for CWD Management in Illinois
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Eric Walberg
S-05: The Power of Partnerships in Advancing Coldwater Conservation
Grand B (4th Floor)
Mike Siepker
2:40pm CST
Wildlife Track: Monitoring tarantulas in Missouri glades: Conservation of a charismatic arachnid.
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Becky Hansis-O'Neill
3:00pm CST
Coffee Break
3:40pm CST
S-06: Native bee response to woodland and glade restoration on Missouri’s state parks
Grand C (4th Floor)
Ken McCarty
4:00pm CST
Fisheries Track: Evaluation of otolith and eye lens chemistry for identifying stocked Walleye
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Joshua Fluur
4:20pm CST
S-04: From Rod to Research and Resilience: How Anglers Enhance Fisheries Research and Management in Minnesota Waters of Lake Superior
Grand A (4th Floor)
Nick Peterson
4:40pm CST
S-04: Community ecology in a bottle: Leveraging eDNA metabarcoding data to predict occupancy of co-occurring salmonids and gill lice ectoparasites
Grand A (4th Floor)
Sasha Tetzlaff
5:00pm CST
Invasive Species Technical Committee Information and Interest Meeting
Sterling 6 (2nd Floor)
Hannah Mulligan • Logan Zebro
6:00pm CST
Offsite Dinner and Social ($) - Sponsored by Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation
Anheuser-Busch Brewery
, January 21
7:00am CST
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors - Sponsored by PayIt
8:00am CST
Plenary Session 2 and Awards
Rob Hunt • Roger Still
10:05am CST
Coffee Break
10:20am CST
S-07:Cooperative Inter-Agency Management of Invasive Carps in the United States
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Rob Simmonds
10:40am CST
Fisheries Track: Using GPS and Side Scan Sonar Data to Track Yearly Electrofishing Path Variation and Fish Community Assemblages
Drew Holloway
S-07: Developing a framework to inform early detection efforts of the next carp invasion in the Missouri River Basin
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Brielle Thompson
11:00am CST
S-07: Assessing Variation in Habitat Quality to Inform Preventative Management of Invasive Species
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Brenden Elwer
S-09: Improving Dialogues in Multi-stakeholder Settings: an Experiment
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Kristin Hurst
11:20am CST
S-04: Assessment of Invasive and Nuisance species in a Nebraska Reservoir Managed as a Trout Fishery
Grand A (4th Floor)
Alexandria Keiler-Klein
S-07:The Commercial Bait Dealer Program in Kansas: Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations and Inspections
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Michael Parr
11:40am CST
Wildlife Track: Impact of invasive Burmese python on the abundance of two endemic endangered species in the Florida Keys
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Shauna Sayers
S-08: Adaptive Management for a Reintroduced Population of Blanding’s Turtles (Emydoidea blandingii)
Grand B (4th Floor)
Callie Klatt Golba
12:00pm CST
Lunch On Your Own
1:20pm CST
S-07: What could adaptive management of invasive bigheaded carp in the Tennessee and Cumberland river subbasins look like?
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Michael Colvin
1:40pm CST
S-07: Evaluating Invasive Carp Management on the Illinois Waterway Through Adaptive ‘Multi-Agency Monitoring’
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Michael Spear
S-09: Species Preferences on Angler Motivational Factors in Kansas
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Sarah Ulrichsen
2:00pm CST
Fisheries Track: Exploring Assessment Techniques for Minnesota's Newest Sport Fish: the Burbot
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Kristen Patterson
S-07: Exploring tools to evaluate invasive carp management success across different density gradients and river systems
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Jim Lamer
S-09: Who Fishes in Indiana: Population Segments as Management Tools
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Josef Hrabowski
2:20pm CST
S-09: Quantifying angler harvest decisions using four decades of creel survey data
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Ben Neely
2:40pm CST
S-07: Invasive Carp Removals in Missouri River Tributaries
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Adam McDaniel
3:00pm CST
Coffee Break
3:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Identifying potential sources of natural recruitment of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Ryan Eastman
S-07: Invasive Carp Removal Approaches in the Missouri River Basin
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Jessica Howell
S-09: Anonymous Location Data Integrated with Intercept Surveys: A Powerful Combined Approach to Measuring Lake Recreation
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Rebecca Krogman
3:40pm CST
S-07: Monitoring Invasive Bigheaded Carp Movement Across Sub-basins in Response to Removal Efforts
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Joshua Abner
4:00pm CST
S-07: Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, roll in developing and maintaining invasive carp removal programs through the commercial fishing industry
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Joshua Tompkins
4:40pm CST
S-07: Use of Invasive Species to Address Food Security
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Mark Morgan
6:00pm CST
Poster Session & Tradeshow Social - C0-Sponsored by Aquatic Control, HDR Engineering & NASA
, January 22
7:00am CST
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors
8:00am CST
S-17: The Public’s Perceived Importance and View of Midwest Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Lisa Parks
8:40am CST
Fisheries Track: Taxonomic and Functional Shifts in Riverine Fish Community Assemblages Across Midwest National Parks
Lily Thompson
S-07: Development and Assessment of Novel Tools and Techniques for Capture, Deterrence, and Monitoring of Invasive Carp
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Jesse Fischer
10:20am CST
Fisheries Track: Assessing Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Abundance Dynamics in Tailwater Habitats Using Side-scan Sonar Techniques
Adam Jones
11:00am CST
S-07: Missouri River Tributary Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Population Assessment
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Kellie Hanser
11:20am CST
Fisheries Track: Enhancing proactive aquatic nuisance species management by developing a standardized risk screening workflow
Lindsey LaBrie
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