Tuesday January 21, 2025 10:40am - 11:00am CST
AUTHORS: Drew Holloway, Muncie Bureau of Water Quality

ABSTRACT: Technology and standardization in electrofishing has come a long way over the years. For this presentation I will be using two of these technologies to help guide future sampling efforts for the Bureau of Water Quality in Muncie, IN. In 2022, we purchased the Smith-Root Apex electrofishing box to replace our outdated and heavily bandaged GPP Electofisher. Now, our historical monitoring stations could be GPS tracked and digitally recorded allowing us to see how yearly variation could affect our electrofishing results. Having previously recorded Side Scan Sonar (SSS) for these same historical sites it gave us the opportunity to not only see if habitats sampled are representative to the species found at each site but if a change in path also changed our fish community diversity. Three years of single pass electrofishing data will be presented from 10 randomly selected West Fork White River sites. The associated habitats will be represented based on SSS categories from previous works done by the Bureau of Water Quality.
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Drew Holloway

Fisheries Biologist, Bureau of Water Quality
The North Central Division of The American Fisheries Society is comprised of 13 chapters representing 16 states and provinces. The mission of Divisions within the American Fisheries Society is to advance Society goals by coordinating and complementing Chapter activities related to... Read More →
Tuesday January 21, 2025 10:40am - 11:00am CST

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