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2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
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Eric Rahm
Missouri Department of Conservation
Stream Biologist
, January 19
12:00pm CST
Speaker Ready Room Open
Mills 4 (4th Floor)
6:00pm CST
Welcome Networking Social - Sponsored by USFWS
Grand Foyer & Parkview Room (4th Floor)
, January 20
7:00am CST
Speaker Ready Room Open
Mills 4 (4th Floor)
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors - Sponsored by St. Louis Zoo WildCare Institute
Grand Foyer & Parkview Room (4th Floor)
8:00am CST
Plenary Session 1 and Awards
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Ben Batten • Jim Inglis
10:05am CST
Coffee Break - Sponsored by Wildlife Management Institute
Grand Foyer & Parkview Room (4th Floor)
10:30am CST
North Central Division AFS Business Meeting
Grand A (4th Floor)
Daniel Isermann
12:00pm CST
Student & Professional Networking Luncheon (pre-registration required)
Grand Ballroom (DEFGH)
1:40pm CST
Regency B (2nd Floor)
2:00pm CST
S-02: Fish Freeways: How Rock Ramps are Assisting Prairie Stream Fish Movement
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Seth Callahan
2:20pm CST
S-02: Beyond barriers: Fish communities in a recovering tributary of Lake Erie
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Matthew Acre
2:40pm CST
S-02: Moxostoma Migratory Movements during Restoration Efforts in the Cuyahoga River, OH
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Sophia Bonjour
3:00pm CST
Coffee Break
Grand Foyer & Parkview Room (4th Floor)
3:20pm CST
S-02: Can We Have Our Cake and Eat It to? Retrofitting an Aging Urban Dam for Multiuse, Including Recreation and Fish Passage.
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Donald Pereira
3:40pm CST
S-02: Utilizing the USFWS National Fish Passage Coordination Map and the SARP National Aquatic Barrier Inventory and Prioritization Tool to Assess Stream Connectivity Across the Western Great Plains
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Jacob Zona
4:00pm CST
S-02: Connecting Freshwater Resilience and Barrier Prioritization
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Mary Khoury
4:20pm CST
S-02: Facilitated Discussion - Developing an Aquatic Connectivity Team: An example from the Missouri Stream Connectivity Partnership.
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Eric Rahm
6:00pm CST
SOLD OUT! Offsite Dinner and Social ($) - Sponsored by Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation
Anheuser-Busch Brewery
, January 21
7:00am CST
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors - Sponsored by PayIt
Grand Foyer & Parkview Room (4th Floor)
8:00am CST
Plenary Session 2 and Awards
Grand Ballroom (DEFGH)
Rob Hunt • Roger Still
10:20am CST
S-12: Not Just Ducks...Reframing Wetland Conservation
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Frank Nelson
11:00am CST
S-07: Assessing Variation in Habitat Quality to Inform Preventative Management of Invasive Species
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Brenden Elwer
S-11: Conservation and Taxonomic Status of the Spiny Scale Crayfish, with an emphasis on Kentucky Populations
Grand C (4th Floor)
Zachary Loughman
11:20am CST
S-11: From streams, swamps, sloughs and roadside ditches: The places you will go while sampling the rare crayfishes of Texas, USA.
Grand C (4th Floor)
Dusty Swedberg
12:00pm CST
Lunch On Your Own
1:20pm CST
S-10: Testing the Waters: A Foray Into Floating Wetlands
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Kara Tvedt
2:00pm CST
Fisheries Track: Characterizing Riverine Habitat through the Use of UAS and Side-Scan Sonar
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Tyler Hessler
2:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Built to Last? Evaluating the Condition of Fish Habitat Structures in Missouri’s Ozark Reservoirs
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Tyler Ham
2:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Trends in Population Status and Range-Wide Geographic Patterns of Genetic Variation for the Federally Petitioned Bluestripe Darter
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Brittany Harried
S-11: Clawing for Survival: Mapping Invasive and Endemic Crayfishes in the Upper Saint Francis River Basin
Grand C (4th Floor)
Anna Raney
3:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Linking Stream Fish Thermal Ecology and Adaptive Capacity to Prioritize Watershed Areas with Greatest Value for Conservation
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Brittany Harried
6:00pm CST
Poster Session & Tradeshow Social - Co-Sponsored by Aquatic Control, HDR Engineering & NASA
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
P-37: A Survey of Crayfishes of the Upper Cumberland & Kentucky River Watersheds in Southeastern Kentucky
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Kaleb Norris
P-39: Freshwater Mussel Diversity and Restoration in Cub Creek, Nebraska
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Alexis Oetterer
P-46: Planning for Resiliency: Identifying Aquatic Conservation Priorities
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Josh Bruegge
P-47: Fishing for recovery: Assessing stream fish and macroinvertebrate community response post-fertilizer spill into an Illinois creek.
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Shaley Klumker
P-53: Distributional Survey of the Fishes of the Lower St. Francis River Watershed
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
David Ostendorf
P-54: Assessing Fish Passage Barriers in Wyoming and Montana
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Stephanie Webster
P-65: Big and Small, We Sample Them All: An Assessment of Missouri’s Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) Fisheries to Guide Management and Sampling Efforts
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Robert Weber
P-95: Subject Matter Focus of State Fish and Wildlife Conservation Magazines
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Ashley Hrdina
, January 22
7:00am CST
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors
Grand Foyer & Parkview Room (4th Floor)
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