Poster Session, Poster: Fisheries clear filter
6:00pm CST
P-100: The Use and Integration of Omic Technologies as Tools to Help Connect to Higher Levels of Biological Organization Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jason Magnuson
P-101: The Recent Use and Registration Status of Antimycin-A for Native Fish Restorations Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Gavin Saari
P-102: Precision of Four Calcified Structures for Age Estimation of Black Carp Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Anne Herndon
P-36: Conservation Status Assessments and Surveys of Cambarus monongalensis and Lacunicambarus thomai Within Western Pennsylvania Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jaden Rusnak
P-37: A Survey of Crayfishes of the Upper Cumberland & Kentucky River Watersheds in Southeastern Kentucky Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Kaleb Norris
P-38: Effects of Environmental Variables on Crayfish Occupancy in Shallow Eutrophic Lakes and Wetlands Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Dalton Clayton
P-39: Freshwater Mussel Diversity and Restoration in Cub Creek, Nebraska Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Alexis Oetterer
P-40: Integrating eDNA Techniques in Freshwater Biomonitoring of Fish and Macroinvertebrates Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Madison Suttman
P-41: Quantifying Avian Predation Rates of the Colorado Pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Randall Wilson
P-42: Assessment of Fish Guilds in the Lower Wabash River Using Standardized Long-Term Monitoring Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Olivia Wertman
P-43: Understanding our past and forecasting our future: discovering associations among hydrogeomorphology, water chemistry, and the distribution and abundance of biota in the Upper Mississippi River System Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Julia Hampton
P-44: Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) Aquatic Life Monitoring in the Illinois River and Kaskaskia River Basins Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Billy Nixon
P-45: A Comparison of Gear Efficacy for Sampling Fishes Occupying Near-Shore, Off-Channel Riverine Habitats Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Devon Oliver
P-46: Planning for Resiliency: Identifying Aquatic Conservation Priorities Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Josh Bruegge
P-47: Fishing for recovery: Assessing stream fish and macroinvertebrate community response post-fertilizer spill into an Illinois creek. Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Shaley Klumker
P-48: Life History of Skipjack Herring in the Mississippi River Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Theodore Goetz
P-49: Thermal Ecology of Salmonids in Northern Japan: Predicting Co-existence Among Competitors in a Warming World Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Lucas Fischer
P-50: Spatial Extent of Fish Community Change in an Indiana Stream Following Reconnection to the Mississippi River Basin Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Alexander Searfoss
P-51: Assessing Differences in Reproductive Potential in Two Shovelnose Sturgeon Populations Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Lydia Flinders
P-52: From the cradle: genetic diversity of the central Missouri endemic Niangua darter (Etheostoma nianguae) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Leah Berkman
P-53: Distributional Survey of the Fishes of the Lower St. Francis River Watershed Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)David Ostendorf
P-54: Assessing Fish Passage Barriers in Wyoming and Montana Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Stephanie Webster
P-55: Investigating the sublethal responses of Smallmouth Bass to environmentally relevant concentrations of PFOS Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Erin Pulster
P-56: Evidence of skin pigment mutations in Blue Catfish and their importance to a Midwestern fishery Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Brett Miller
P-57: Assessment of Habitat Suitability in Maumee and Sandusky Rivers for Sauger (Sander canadensis) Reintroduction Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Elizabeth Anderson
P-58: Stock-Contribution Comparisons for Walleye Over Time in Lake McConaughy, Nebraska Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Robert Allison
P-59: Assessing Ogaa Mortality and Angling Practices in a Changing Climate Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Mac McPherson
P-60: Diet composition and overlap of walleye and largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin lakes: implications for walleye recruitment and size structure of prey fish Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Daniel Dembkowski
P-61: Building a case for holistic and conservative management of a genetically unique strain of Walleye in Southern Missouri Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Dave Knuth
P-62: Growth and Mortality of Devils Lake White Bass Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Todd Caspers
P-63: Where the lake whitefish are in the upper Great Lakes Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Gwendolyn Phillips
P-64: How will growth of warm-water and cool-water fish change with warming climate? Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Kaden Ball
P-65: Big and Small, We Sample Them All: An Assessment of Missouri’s Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) Fisheries to Guide Management and Sampling Efforts Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Robert Weber
P-66: Examining Age-length Relationships across North Platte Channel Catfish (Ictalurus Punctatus) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Sarah Hayden
P-67: Fishing in the gaps: minimum sample sizes for supplementing creel surveys with user-generated data Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Mackensie Shears
P-68: Maintaining Trophy Potential of Riverine Smallmouth Bass Populations in the Menominee River Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Samantha Embersits
P-69: Evaluating Natural Recruitment of Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Black Crappie in Two Community Fishing Ponds in Southeastern South Dakota Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jason Uden
P-70: Abundance and growth rates of Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) from Lake Michigan and connected tributary habitats Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Mallory Wagner
P-71: Factors Affecting Detection Efficiencies of Acoustic Transmitters in a Large Midwestern Reservoir Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Hannah Thomas
P-72: Sanding or Sectioning: how does otolith preparation method affect reader agreement? Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Amelia Finnell
P-73: Temporal Replication of Assigned Ages for Silver Carp Otoliths Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Brendon Tran
P-74: Evaluating Flood-Induced Habitat Connections Using Remotely Sensed Data Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Natalie Liberati
P-75: Natal Origin and Movement of Invasive Carp in the Missouri River Basin Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Hannah Mulligan
P-76: Investigating Bigheaded Carp Migratory Behavior in a Large Lotic System Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Logan Zebro
P-77: Temporal Occupancy of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) within Tributaries of the Ohio River Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Patrick Padilla
P-78: Community Sampling Gears Affect Silver Carp Density Estimates Derived from Hydroacoustic Surveys Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Garrett Johnson
P-79: Spatial and Temporal Trends of Silver Carp Body Condition in the Ohio River Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Adam Musolf
P-80: Tracking Movement and Habitat Utilization of Invasive Carp Within the Presence Front of the Ohio River Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Andrew Peters
P-81: Evaluating Conspecific Feeding Sounds as an Attractant for Invasive Carp Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Adam McFall
P-82: Genetic control of grass carp through RNA interference Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Chris Merkes
P-83: Determining hybridization of bighead and silver carp by analyzing body shape with geometric morphometric techniques Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Alexandra Johnson
P-84: Impacts of Spatiotemporal Variation of Hydrological Conditions on Native and Invasive Ichthyoplankton Communities in the Lower Wabash River Basin Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Alexis Gerber
P-85: Quantifying the Impacts of Invasive Carp through Monitoring Native, Planktivorous Gizzard Shad in the Open River Reach Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Kamryn Wittkop
P-86: How invasive carp removal affects fish community size spectra. Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Charles McDunn
P-87: EcoPath with Ecosim: Application in the lower Mississippi River for Invasive Bighead and Silver Carp Management Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Kassidy Frame
P-88: Invasive Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and the impact on native fish communities throughout the Mississippi River basin Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Justin Harms
P-89: Effects of Embryonic Exposure to Predation Cues on Embryo and Larval Behavior in Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Abby Yake
P-90: Density and community composition of aquatic invertebrates in interdunal wetland ponds at Ludington State Park, MI, USA Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Rowan Faust
P-91: Comparisons of Zooplankton Communities Before and After Chemical Renovation in Lake Ogallala, Nebraska Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Theo Huber
P-99: The Next Frontier: Development of a Lake Fish Biogeographical Model in the Canadian Shield, Minnesota Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jessica Massure