Monday January 20, 2025 2:20pm - 2:40pm CST
AUTHORS: Jen Girondo, MO Dept of Conservation

ABSTRACT: The Meramec River in eastern Missouri is a north-flowing Ozark stream that has a section that is heavily influenced by ground-water contributions from a major spring, which provides limited salmonid habitat. In the riverine section which is fed by both spring branch and Ozark stream discharges, Brown Trout were introduced, a put-grow-and-take fishery was established, and has been enjoyed by anglers since the 1980s. Brown trout annual survival post-stocking has declined in recent years and several management strategies have been adjusted trying to regain some of the fisheries' previous success. Efforts have included adjusting rearing and stocking strategies, movement and mortality investigations, and ongoing water temperature evaluations. The issues facing this fishery are many, and climate change appears to be threatening its limit habitat. This presentation will provide an overview of past research efforts, results, and future management direction for this unique type of salmonid habitat.


Jen Girondo

Fisheries Biologist, DEPT OF CONSERVATION
Monday January 20, 2025 2:20pm - 2:40pm CST
Grand A (4th Floor)

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