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2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
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Tom Boersig
Missouri Department of Conservation
Columbia MO
, January 20
10:30am CST
North Central Division AFS Business Meeting
Grand A (4th Floor)
Daniel Isermann
1:00pm CST
Lake and Reservoir Management Committee Meeting
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Will Radigan
1:40pm CST
S-04: Historical Perspectives on Trout Management in Missouri
Grand A (4th Floor)
Mike Kruse
2:00pm CST
S-02: Fish Freeways: How Rock Ramps are Assisting Prairie Stream Fish Movement
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Seth Callahan
S-04: Trout Streams of the Northern Ozarks: Overview of Missouri's Ribbon Areas
Grand A (4th Floor)
Blake Stephens
2:20pm CST
Wildlife Track: Monitoring tarantulas in Missouri glades: Conservation of a charismatic arachnid.
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Becky Hansis-O'Neill
S-04: The Meramec River Brown Trout Dilemma - a Case Study of a Missouri Ozark Stream's Salmonid Management
Grand A (4th Floor)
Jen Girondo
S-05: The Power of Partnerships in Advancing Coldwater Conservation
Grand B (4th Floor)
Mike Siepker
3:20pm CST
S-04: Insights into Missouri's Urban Winter Trout Program
Grand A (4th Floor)
John Schulte
3:40pm CST
S-02: Utilizing the USFWS National Fish Passage Coordination Map and the SARP National Aquatic Barrier Inventory and Prioritization Tool to Assess Stream Connectivity Across the Western Great Plains
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Jacob Zona
S-04: Evaluating Brown Trout strains stocked into Spring River, Arkansas
Grand A (4th Floor)
Joseph Kaiser
4:00pm CST
Fisheries Track: Spectaclecase Mussel Detection in the Upper Mississippi River Using eDNA
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Tariq Tajjioui
S-02: Connecting Freshwater Resilience and Barrier Prioritization
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Mary Khoury
S-04: Evaluation of the Effects of a Slot Length Limit and Stocking Changes for Rainbow and Brown Trout in Lake Taneycomo, Missouri
Grand A (4th Floor)
Shane Bush
4:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Addressing the Data Need to Manage Future Change in Fisheries
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Madalyn Siller
Fisheries Track: Evaluating Data-limited Population Assessment Tools for Walleye
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Caleb Branam
S-02: Facilitated Discussion - Developing an Aquatic Connectivity Team: An example from the Missouri Stream Connectivity Partnership.
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Eric Rahm
S-04: From Rod to Research and Resilience: How Anglers Enhance Fisheries Research and Management in Minnesota Waters of Lake Superior
Grand A (4th Floor)
Nick Peterson
S-05: Engaging Private Landowners through Conservation Marketing Shoal Creek Woodlands for Wildlife Case-History
Grand B (4th Floor)
Rob Pulliam
5:00pm CST
Invasive Species Technical Committee Information and Interest Meeting
Sterling 6 (2nd Floor)
Hannah Mulligan • Logan Zebro
6:00pm CST
Offsite Dinner and Social ($) - Sponsored by Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation
Anheuser-Busch Brewery
, January 21
7:00am CST
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors - Sponsored by PayIt
Grand Foyer (4th Floor)
10:20am CST
Fisheries Track: Apples and Oranges? Using radio and acoustic telemetry to evaluate restoration success.
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Seth Fopma
S-07:Cooperative Inter-Agency Management of Invasive Carps in the United States
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Rob Simmonds
S-10: Shifting Perspectives: The Role of Aquatic Plants in the Future of Fisheries and Angling
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Steven Bardin
10:40am CST
Fisheries Track: Enhancing the science of age estimation: the creation of
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Mark Pegg
S-07: Developing a framework to inform early detection efforts of the next carp invasion in the Missouri River Basin
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Brielle Thompson
S-09: Engaging Non-traditional Audiences Through Relevancy Messaging (Formal Title: AFWA Relevancy Communication Toolkit Update)
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Hiroto Hayashi
S-10: Aquatic Vegetation Management Challenges and Opportunities
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Nate Long
11:00am CST
Fisheries Track: A Wide Net: Identifying Habitat Across Species and Age Groups of Fish for a Holistic View of the Ecosystem
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Kayla Lenz
Fisheries Track: Big River Bluegill: How and why bluegill population dynamics vary along a large river gradient
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Kristen Bouska
11:20am CST
S-07:The Commercial Bait Dealer Program in Kansas: Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations and Inspections
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Michael Parr
S-10: Why I'm establishing aquatic plants, and you should too!
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Nick Kramer
S-11: From streams, swamps, sloughs and roadside ditches: The places you will go while sampling the rare crayfishes of Texas, USA.
Grand C (4th Floor)
Dusty Swedberg
11:40am CST
S-07: Improving the Discoverability and Accessibility of Invasive Carp Projects and Data
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Jason Ross
1:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Impacts of Habitat Enhancement on Fish Assemblage Integrity in Several Midwestern Streams
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Ryan Skowronski
S-04: Advancing Cold Water Beyond Trout: Characterizing Aquatic Biota and Habitat Across Thermal Gradients in Missouri
Grand A (4th Floor)
Natalie Coash
S-07: What could adaptive management of invasive bigheaded carp in the Tennessee and Cumberland river subbasins look like?
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Michael Colvin
S-10: Testing the Waters: A Foray Into Floating Wetlands
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Kara Tvedt
1:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Response of Fish Communities to Backwater Restoration in the Upper Mississippi River
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Hannah Lenning
Fisheries Track: Smallmouth Bass Demographics in the Kaskaskia and Vermilion Rivers
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Ethan Scott
S-04: Heritage Brook Trout program in southeast Minnesota
Grand A (4th Floor)
Doug Dieterman
S-07: Evaluating Invasive Carp Management on the Illinois Waterway Through Adaptive ‘Multi-Agency Monitoring’
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Michael Spear
1:50pm CST
S-12: Osage Culinary Traditions and Food Sovereignty
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Veronica Pipestem
2:00pm CST
S-04: Brook Trout Management in the Iowa Driftless Region
Grand A (4th Floor)
Mike Siepker
S-07: Exploring tools to evaluate invasive carp management success across different density gradients and river systems
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Jim Lamer
S-09: Who Fishes in Indiana: Population Segments as Management Tools
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Josef Hrabowski
2:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Built to Last? Evaluating the Condition of Fish Habitat Structures in Missouri’s Ozark Reservoirs
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Tyler Ham
S-04: Assessment of Coldwater Fisheries Resources in Northeast Iowa.
Grand A (4th Floor)
Gregory Gelwicks
S-07: Invasive Carp Growth Chronologies: Management Tool To Help Evaluate Harvest Success?
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Kaiden Vinavich
S-12: Reconstructing wetland garden productivity and resilience at Cahokia, Illinois (900-1350 AD)
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Natalie Mueller
2:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Trends in Population Status and Range-Wide Geographic Patterns of Genetic Variation for the Federally Petitioned Bluestripe Darter
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Brittany Harried
S-07: Invasive Carp Removals in Missouri River Tributaries
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Adam McDaniel
S-08: Herpetofauna use of canebrake habitat in southern Illinois
Grand B (4th Floor)
Thanchira Suriyamongkol
S-11: Clawing for Survival: Mapping Invasive and Endemic Crayfishes in the Upper Saint Francis River Basin
Grand C (4th Floor)
Anna Raney
3:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Linking Stream Fish Thermal Ecology and Adaptive Capacity to Prioritize Watershed Areas with Greatest Value for Conservation
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Brittany Harried
S-07: Invasive Carp Removal Approaches in the Missouri River Basin
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Jessica Howell
S-09: Anonymous Location Data Integrated with Intercept Surveys: A Powerful Combined Approach to Measuring Lake Recreation
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Rebecca Krogman
3:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Navigating the Currents: Investigating Environmental Cues for Pallid Sturgeon Immigration and Emigration for a Missouri River Tributary
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Jenna Ruoss
S-07: Monitoring Invasive Bigheaded Carp Movement Across Sub-basins in Response to Removal Efforts
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Joshua Abner
S-09: Using resource size-use models to predict how climate cycles influence angler effort
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Matthew Maldonado
4:00pm CST
Fisheries Track: Applications of Environmental DNA Metabarcoding to Fish Biodiversity Assessments of Missouri Ozark Stream and Mississippi River Lowland Habitats
Regency D (2nd Floor)
David Duvernell
4:10pm CST
S-12: Incorporating Ecological Design for Production and Resilience: A Case Study in the Lower Missouri River Floodplain
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Zach Miller
4:20pm CST
Fisheries Track: Reproductive Characteristics of a Vulnerable Riverine Specialist in the Unchannelized Missouri River
Regency C (2nd Floor)
BJ Schall
4:40pm CST
Fisheries Track: Lessons and advice on the development of a mobile-entry platform
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Keith Hurley
6:00pm CST
Poster Session & Tradeshow Social - Co-Sponsored by Aquatic Control, HDR Engineering & NASA
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
P-07: Using Camera Traps to Explore Coyote Presence Across an Urbanization Gradient in St. Louis
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Jacob Meyer
P-11: Bat Communities along an Urbanization Gradient in St. Louis, MO
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Elizabeth Biro
, January 22
8:00am CST
Fisheries Track: Conserving "native rough fish" through fisheries management in the Midwest
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Steve Herrington
Fisheries Track: Population Characteristics of Buffalo in Wisconsin: Contribution and Resiliency to Bowfishing Harvest
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Daniel Isermann
S-07: Aggregation for Eradication: An Exploratory Grass Carp Management Strategy in the Upper Mississippi River
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Max Monfort
S-11: Molecular Surveillance of a Potential Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) Invasion in the Midwest United States
Grand C (4th Floor)
Eric Larson
S-17: The Public’s Perceived Importance and View of Midwest Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Lisa Parks
S-18: FishCAST: Introducing the North Central Division Fisheries Community Advocacy and Sustainability Team
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Brittany Harried
S-19: Midwest Landscape Initiative and the Midwest Conservation Blueprint
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Rachael Carlberg
8:20am CST
S-07: Fisheries dependent and independent data inform a capture technique for an emerging invasive fish species in the mainstem Mississippi River; Black Carp Mylopharyngodon piceus
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Patrick Kroboth
S-15: Modifying Water Velocities to Promote Lake Sturgeon Spawning Success on the Mississippi River
Grand A (4th Floor)
Sarah Peper
8:40am CST
Fisheries Track: Assessing Age and Incremental Growth Rates in Cedar River Shovelnose Sturgeon through an 18-year Mark-Recapture Dataset
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Juliana Kaloczi
9:00am CST
S-18: Overview of DEIJA and Indigenous relations in AFS
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Jory Jonas
9:40am CST
S-07: Deterring Upstream Movement of Invasive Carp in the Kansas River
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Liam Odell
S-13: Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project: Adapting to change
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Shelby Timm
10:20am CST
Fisheries Track: Assessing Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Abundance Dynamics in Tailwater Habitats Using Side-scan Sonar Techniques
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Adam Jones
S-07: Assessment of Sampling Gears for Adult Invasive Carp in Mid-Order Rivers in Nebraska
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Brett Anderson
10:40am CST
S-07: Silver Carp Biomass Estimation Using Low-Cost Consumer-Grade Technology to Inform Management Strategies
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Josey Ridgway
S-18: Moderated Panel Discussion for FishCAST Symposium
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
Brittany Harried
S-19: Section 10 of the Endangered Species Act: An Underutilized Tool for Conservation Planning
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Rebecca Sloan
11:00am CST
Fisheries Track: Using Side-Scan Sonar and N-Mixture Models to Estimate the Abundance of Invasive Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) in the Lamine River, MO
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Cade Roach
S-07: Missouri River Tributary Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Population Assessment
Regency E (2nd Floor)
Kellie Hanser
11:20am CST
Fisheries Track: Influence of Thermal Variation on Paddlefish Thermal Tolerance, Recovery and Post-Release Behavior
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Shasta Kamara
S-19: Development and Implementation of Missouri's Landscape Health Index
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Jon Podoliak
11:40am CST
Fisheries Track: Spatial and Temporal Variation of Invasive Carp Spawning Activity in the Illinois River Basin
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Braden Whisler
S-15: Where Do We Go From Here? - Advancing the Sustainable Rivers Program to New Rivers and Opportunities in the Midwest
Grand A (4th Floor)
Brian Johnson
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