Tuesday January 21, 2025 4:20pm - 4:40pm CST
AUTHORS: Natalia Hagen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Matthew Gruntorad, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Sarah Ulrichsen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Christopher C. Chizinski, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

ABSTRACT: The Rainwater Basin in south-central Nebraska is a working landscape with numerous wetlands and important wildlife habitats. We conducted phone interviews with 198 agricultural producers across 10 counties in the Rainwater Basin region to understand their perspectives on conservation programs and their level of concern towards the environmental issues of climate change, water pollution, and biodiversity loss. Results indicated that none of the interviewed producers were currently participating in conservation programs despite their concerns about water pollution on a local level. Coding of the interviews revealed four major themes as to why producers were no longer participating in conservation programs and an overall lack of strong positive or negative opinions towards these programs. This suggests agricultural producers may lack confidence in the ability of conservation programs in their current state to be of personal benefit. To increase conservation program participation, it will be critical to recognize what producers need to facilitate enrollment.

Natalia Hagen

Undergraduate research assistant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
I am a senior undergraduate researcher majoring in Fisheries and Wildlife at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. My two current projects are (1) examining agricultural producers' perspectives on conservation programs in the Rainwater Basin and (2) the Nebraska-South Dakota Tier II... Read More →
Tuesday January 21, 2025 4:20pm - 4:40pm CST
Mills 3 (4th Floor)

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