
Sunday, January 19

5:00pm CST

6:00pm CST

Monday, January 20

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Tuesday, January 21

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6:00pm CST

Poster Session & Tradeshow Social - Co-Sponsored by Aquatic Control, HDR Engineering & NASA Grand Ballroom (4th Floor) P-09: Survey of mammal biodiversity in a midwestern urban natural area using trail cameras: a collaboration between Missouri Western State University (MWSU) and Snapshot USA (2022-2024) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Cary Chevalier P-10: Predicting habitat suitability for endangered Indiana bats using niche-based distribution modeling Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Elizabeth Biro P-11: Bat Communities along an Urbanization Gradient in St. Louis, MO Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Elizabeth Biro P-12: Comparing Pre and Post White-nose Syndrome Distributions of Three Bat Species in Eastern Nebraska Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Daniel Peacock P-13: Exploring Fecal and Environmental DNA Detection of Bat Species of Greatest Conservation Need via Nanopore Adaptive Sampling Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Thomas Raad P-18: Long-term Dynamics of Seasonal Tree Phenology and Forest Songbird Populations Across the Central Hardwoods (Preliminary Findings) Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Benjamin Tjepkes P-24: Spatial Ecology of Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) on Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge, Northwest Missouri Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Grace Allen P-27: Metapopulation Dynamics of Urban Turtles: Why Did the Turtle Leave Campus? Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Mark Mills P-31: On The Overwintering Temperatures Of Eastern Copperheads (Agkistrodon contortrix) in East-Central Missouri And The Influence Of Substrate And Shaded Air Temperature On Emergence, Egress, And Ingress Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Ben Jellen P-94: Urban Wildlife Management success: Eleven years of Canada goose (Branta Canadensis) population management on Missouri Western State University campus. Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Cary Chevalier P-96: Development and Cloud Implementation of the New Annual National Land Cover Database for the United States Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)Jesslyn Brown
Wednesday, January 22

7:00am CST

8:00am CST

8:20am CST

8:40am CST

9:00am CST

9:40am CST

10:15am CST

10:40am CST

11:20am CST

11:40am CST

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