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2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
2025 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference
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Kristen Heath-Acre
Missouri Deparment of Conservation
State Ornithologist
, January 20
8:00am CST
Plenary Session 1 and Awards
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Ben Batten • Jim Inglis
12:00pm CST
Lunch On Your Own
1:40pm CST
Wildlife Track: 'On The Road Again' Native Species Seeding By Midwestern DOTs and Potential Improvements
Regency F (2nd Floor)
Wesley Bollinger
S-01: Audubon’s bird conservation strategy on the Mississippi River
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Dale Gentry
S-06: Prairie Reconstruction: Prairie Fork CA Case Study and Lessons Learned
Grand C (4th Floor)
Chris Newbold
2:00pm CST
S-01: Bottomland Forest Birds along the Upper Mississippi River
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Tara Hohman
S-06: Woodland Management for Biodiversity at Shaw Nature Reserve
Grand C (4th Floor)
Calvin Maginel
2:20pm CST
S-01: Breeding bird community in the Mississippi River floodplain forest: Two Decades of change
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Mike Wellik
S-02: Beyond barriers: Fish communities in a recovering tributary of Lake Erie
Regency B (2nd Floor)
Matthew Acre
S-06:Monitoring the Ecological Response to Restoration Treatments in the Missouri Pine-Oak Woodlands Restoration Project of the Mark Twain National Forest
Grand C (4th Floor)
Elizabeth Yohe
2:40pm CST
S-01: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Autonomous Recording Units for Detecting Upper Mississippi River Migratory Landbirds
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Nicole Michel
S-06: Fire effects on plant communities in Ozark woodlands and glades
Grand C (4th Floor)
Carolyn Stephen
3:00pm CST
Coffee Break
Grand Foyer (4th Floor)
3:20pm CST
S-01: A framework to facilitate habitat conservation for marsh birds in the Midwest and Great Lakes regions
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Michael Monfils
3:40pm CST
S-01: Sora and Virginia Rail Migratory Timing and Stopover Duration in the Illinois River Valley
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Auriel Fournier
4:00pm CST
S-01: Monitoring grassland bird populations in Missouri & beyond
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Dana Ripper
4:20pm CST
Wildlife Track: Using the Motus Wildlife Tracking System to fill knowledge gaps for priority Neotropical migratory birds in the Midwest and beyond
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Sarah Kendrick
4:40pm CST
Wildlife Track: Expansion of Motus in Missouri and the Midwest: examples of local and large scale Motus tracking
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Kristen Heath-Acre
S-01: Owl and Nightjar Monitoring in Iowa
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Anna Buckardt Thomas
6:00pm CST
Offsite Dinner and Social ($) - Sponsored by Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation
Anheuser-Busch Brewery
, January 21
7:00am CST
Continental Breakast with Exhibitors - Sponsored by PayIt
Grand Foyer (4th Floor)
8:00am CST
Plenary Session 2 and Awards
Grand Ballroom (DEFGH)
Rob Hunt • Roger Still
10:05am CST
Coffee Break
Grand Foyer (4th Floor)
10:20am CST
Initial Meeting: Bottomland Forests for Birds Manual (Invitation Only)
Mills 6 (4th Floor)
Tara Hohman
S-12: Not Just Ducks...Reframing Wetland Conservation
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Frank Nelson
12:00pm CST
Lunch On Your Own
2:00pm CST
Fisheries Track: Characterizing Riverine Habitat through the Use of UAS and Side-Scan Sonar
Regency C (2nd Floor)
Tyler Hessler
2:40pm CST
S-12: Native Landscapes: Engaging and Empowering Community
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Cydney Ross
3:00pm CST
Coffee Break
Grand Foyer (4th Floor)
3:20pm CST
S-12: Growing native edible plants for food and wildlife in farms and gardens.
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Nadia Navarrete-Tindall
3:50pm CST
S-12: Ducks Plus: Cultivating Sustainable Landscapes with Partners
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Mark Flaspohler
4:30pm CST
S-12: Not Just for Ducks: Facilitated Discussion
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
4:40pm CST
S-09: Discussion: Social Science Needs and Priorities
Mills 3 (4th Floor)
6:00pm CST
P-06: Effect of Prairie Dog Burrow Density on Intensity of Ticks on Small Mammals in South Dakota
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Zack Wilson
P-15: Optimizing Density Estimation Methods Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Eastern-Whip-poor-wills (Antrostromus vociferus)
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Haley Holiman
P-18: Long-term Dynamics of Seasonal Tree Phenology and Forest Songbird Populations Across the Central Hardwoods (Preliminary Findings)
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Benjamin Tjepkes
P-19: Is there a shift in Migration Timing of Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus)?
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Ruby Valadez
P-20: Assessing Bird-Window Strike Collisions: Patterns of Avian Mortality and Mitigation Strategies at Ball State University
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Ashley Fitch
P-21: Role of acorns in Red-headed Woodpecker overwintering in northeastern Illinois
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Adrianna Yoder
P-41: Quantifying Avian Predation Rates of the Colorado Pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius)
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Randall Wilson
P-95: Subject Matter Focus of State Fish and Wildlife Conservation Magazines
Grand Ballroom (4th Floor)
Ashley Hrdina
, January 22
8:00am CST
S-16: Migratory Birds and Climate Change: Symposium Opening Remarks
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Douglas Gorby
8:20am CST
S-16: Climate Science in Service of Migratory Bird Management
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Olivia Ledee
8:40am CST
S-16: Microclimates and Species Life History Differences Inform Climate Vulnerability in a Grassland Songbird Community
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Benjamin Zuckerberg
9:00am CST
S-16: Joint Venture Decision Support Tools: Brainstorming Ideas to Account for Climate Change
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Mohammed Al-Saffar
9:20am CST
S-16: Predicted Migratory Landbird Response to Climate Change in Texas and Louisiana
Regency D (2nd Floor)
T.J. Zenzal
S-19: Collaborative Conservation for the Next Generation
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Rachael Carlberg
9:40am CST
S-13: Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project: Adapting to change
Sterling 3 (2nd Floor)
Shelby Timm
S-16: Navigating Change: Creating Resilient Urban Landscapes for Migratory Birds
Regency D (2nd Floor)
Abigail Derby Lewis
11:20am CST
S-19: Development and Implementation of Missouri's Landscape Health Index
Sterling 9 (2nd Floor )
Jon Podoliak
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