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7:00am • Continental Breakast with Exhibitors
7:00am • Conference Registration Desk Open
7:00am • Speaker Ready Room Open
8:00am • Plenary Session 2
10:05am • Coffee Break
10:20am • Wildlife Track: Response of White-tailed Deer Movement to Exurban Mountain Bike Trails
10:20am • Wildlife Track: Influence of Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Abundance on Prevalence of Raccoon Roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) in Northern Illinois
10:20am • S-04: Salmonid diets in Minnesota streams with waterfalls, nuisance algae, and extreme hydrology
10:20am • S-07:Cooperative Inter-Agency Management of Invasive Carps in the United States
10:20am • S-08: Welcome to the MidwestPARC Symposium
10:20am • S-09: Welcome, overview of the MAFWA CSS/HD group
10:20am • S-10: Shifting Perspectives: The Role of Aquatic Plants in the Future of Fisheries and Angling
10:20am • S-11: Evaluating the Slenderwrist Burrowing Crayfish, Fallicambarus petilicarpus, for Endangered Species Act listing
10:20am • S-12: Not Just Ducks...Reframing Wetland Conservation
10:20am • Initial Meeting: Bottomland Forests for Birds Manual (Invitation Only)
10:20am • Fisheries Track: Determination and Comparison of Morphometrics and Meristics Used to Identify River and Shorthead Redhorse
10:20am • Fisheries Track: Apples and Oranges? Using radio and acoustic telemetry to evaluate restoration success.
10:40am • Fisheries Track: Enhancing the science of age estimation: the creation of
10:40am • Wildlife Track: Temporal Dynamics and Potential Niche Separation Amongst Carnivores: A Decadal Analysis
10:40am • Wildlife Track: The power of bats: evaluating protected bats during energy project planning
10:40am • S-04: Evaluating Lake-Run Brown Trout in Saginaw Bay Using Acoustic Telemetry
10:40am • S-07: Developing a framework to inform early detection efforts of the next carp invasion in the Missouri River Basin
10:40am • S-08: Conservation of Missouri’s State Endangered Amphibian and Reptile Species
10:40am • S-09: Engaging Non-traditional Audiences Through Relevancy Messaging (Formal Title: AFWA Relevancy Communication Toolkit Update)
10:40am • S-10: Aquatic Vegetation Management Challenges and Opportunities
10:40am • S-11: Insights from Multi-locus DNA Sequence Data into Species Boundaries within Hobbseus Crayfishes (Decapoda: Cambaridae)
10:40am • S-12: Tribal Wisdom on Nibi and Wetlands; Manoomin and the Circle of Life
10:40am • Fisheries Track: Using GPS and Side Scan Sonar Data to Track Yearly Electrofishing Path Variation and Fish Community Assemblages
11:00am • Fisheries Track: A Wide Net: Identifying Habitat Across Species and Age Groups of Fish for a Holistic View of the Ecosystem
11:00am • Wildlife Track: Bobcat Survival Across North America: A Meta-Analysis Approach
11:00am • Wildlife Track: Widespread pesticide exposure and plant damage in natural areas in Illinois
11:00am • S-04: Salmonid Movement and Habitat Use in Warming North Shore Tributaries to Lake Superior
11:00am • S-07: Assessing Variation in Habitat Quality to Inform Preventative Management of Invasive Species
11:00am • S-08: Conservation Initiatives of the Saint Louis Zoo's Herpetology Department
11:00am • S-09: Improving Dialogues in Multi-stakeholder Settings: an Experiment
11:00am • S-10: Fisheries Response to Lake Restoration Projects in Northwest Iowa Natural Lakes
11:00am • S-11: Conservation and Taxonomic Status of the Spiny Scale Crayfish, with an emphasis on Kentucky Populations
11:00am • Fisheries Track: Big River Bluegill: How and why bluegill population dynamics vary along a large river gradient
11:20am • Fisheries Track: Long-Term Angling for Black Bass During the Spawning Season Reduces Nest Defense and Responsiveness to Lures
11:20am • Wildlife Track: Rodents in an Urban Forest: Exploring Small Mammal Ecology and the Impact of Restoration
11:20am • Wildlife Track: Forest Management Impacts on Bat Health: Insights from Northeast Missouri Conservation Areas
11:20am • S-04: Assessment of Invasive and Nuisance species in a Nebraska Reservoir Managed as a Trout Fishery
11:20am • S-07:The Commercial Bait Dealer Program in Kansas: Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations and Inspections
11:20am • S-08: The Return of Alligator Snapping Turtles to Their Former Range in Kansas
11:20am • S-09: Bees, Butterflies, and Busting Silos: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Pollinator Conservation Social Network Analysis
11:20am • S-10: Why I'm establishing aquatic plants, and you should too!
11:20am • S-11: From streams, swamps, sloughs and roadside ditches: The places you will go while sampling the rare crayfishes of Texas, USA.
11:20am • Fisheries Track: Microplastic Abundance in Fish Species with Differing Feeding Habits in a Large Midwestern River
11:30am • S-12: Return of the Wapato
11:40am • Fisheries Track: Flow and temperature impacts on catfish populations in two Missouri River tributaries
11:40am • Wildlife Track: Movement ecology of an urban community in Forest Park, Saint Louis
11:40am • Wildlife Track: Impact of invasive Burmese python on the abundance of two endemic endangered species in the Florida Keys
11:40am • S-04: Assessment of Isotope Shifts in Northern Pike in Response to Increased Rainbow Trout Stocking Length
11:40am • S-07: Improving the Discoverability and Accessibility of Invasive Carp Projects and Data
11:40am • S-08: Adaptive Management for a Reintroduced Population of Blanding’s Turtles (Emydoidea blandingii)
11:40am • S-09: Summarizing grassland management social science literature and conservation practitioner social science needs across the Central Grasslands
11:40am • S-10: Aquatic Plant Assessment and Mapping Methods: Finding the sweet spot between frequency and abundance
11:40am • Fisheries Track: Thermal Tolerances and Heat Shock Protein Regulation of Bigmouth Shiners
12:00pm • Lunch On Your Own
1:20pm • Fisheries Track: Age and Growth Analyses on a Stunted vs. Non-Stunted Population of White Perch in Southeastern Nebraska Reservoirs
1:20pm • Wildlife Track: Quantifying the biodiversity benefit of forest cover in agricultural landscapes using environmental DNA metabarcoding
1:20pm • Wildlife Track: Multi-Method Occupancy of Semi-Aquatic Mammals in Southern Illinois
1:20pm • S-04: Advancing Cold Water Beyond Trout: Characterizing Aquatic Biota and Habitat Across Thermal Gradients in Missouri
1:20pm • S-07: What could adaptive management of invasive bigheaded carp in the Tennessee and Cumberland river subbasins look like?
1:20pm • S-08: A PVA to Support Conservation Planning for Blanding’s Turtles in Iowa
1:20pm • S-09: Pragmatic Applications of Creel Surveys
1:20pm • S-10: Testing the Waters: A Foray Into Floating Wetlands
1:20pm • S-11: Assessing the effects a managed landscape has on the burrow densities of the Piedmont Prairie Burrowing Crayfish in Sumter National Forest, South Carolina
1:20pm • S-12: Wiski/Oski (River Cane): A Keystone Species in the Floodplain and in Chickasaw Culture
1:20pm • Fisheries Track: Impacts of Habitat Enhancement on Fish Assemblage Integrity in Several Midwestern Streams
1:40pm • Fisheries Track: Smallmouth Bass Demographics in the Kaskaskia and Vermilion Rivers
1:40pm • Wildlife Track: Assessing white-tailed deer body condition using trail camera photos
1:40pm • Wildlife Track: Inter-specific differences in waterfowl responses to hunting pressure and environmental conditions at an autumn stopover
1:40pm • S-04: Heritage Brook Trout program in southeast Minnesota
1:40pm • S-07: Evaluating Invasive Carp Management on the Illinois Waterway Through Adaptive ‘Multi-Agency Monitoring’
1:40pm • S-08: Effects of Prescribed Fire and Mowing on Smooth Greensnake Detection and Nesting Activity
1:40pm • S-09: Species Preferences on Angler Motivational Factors in Kansas
1:40pm • S-10: From Past Failures to Future Successes: Efforts to Establish Aquatic Vegetation in Arkansas Reservoirs.
1:40pm • S-11: Shelter Preferences of Cambarus robustus, a Surrogate Study for the Federally Threatened Cambarus callainus
1:40pm • Fisheries Track: Response of Fish Communities to Backwater Restoration in the Upper Mississippi River
1:50pm • S-12: Osage Culinary Traditions and Food Sovereignty
2:00pm • Fisheries Track: Exploring Assessment Techniques for Minnesota's Newest Sport Fish: the Burbot
2:00pm • Wildlife Track: An assessment of small mammal monitoring methods within restored prairies in Illinois
2:00pm • Wildlife Track: Surfing the Blue Wave: Is blue-winged teal resource selection influenced by fine-scale variation in wetland availability?
2:00pm • S-04: Brook Trout Management in the Iowa Driftless Region
2:00pm • S-07: Exploring tools to evaluate invasive carp management success across different density gradients and river systems
2:00pm • S-08: Factors that Influence Capture and Size at Capture of Common Gartersnake (Thamnophis sirtalis) and Dekay’s Brownsnakes (Storeia dekayi) in Northern Indiana
2:00pm • S-09: Who Fishes in Indiana: Population Segments as Management Tools
2:00pm • S-10: Lake DeGray Vegetation Re-Establishment Project – Vegetation Mapping
2:00pm • S-11: Status survey for Banded Mudbug (Lacunicambarus freudensteini) and Lonesome Gravedigger (Lacunicambarus mobilensis) in Southeastern Mississippi
2:00pm • Fisheries Track: Characterizing Riverine Habitat through the Use of UAS and Side-Scan Sonar
2:20pm • Wildlife Track: Use of thermal-imaging drones to assess assumptions of density estimation techniques
2:20pm • Wildlife Track: Wetland Management and Habitat Associations of Breeding Secretive Marsh Birds, including King Rail, in Missouri
2:20pm • S-04: Assessment of Coldwater Fisheries Resources in Northeast Iowa.
2:20pm • S-07: Invasive Carp Growth Chronologies: Management Tool To Help Evaluate Harvest Success?
2:20pm • S-08: Discovering Landscape Connectivity Patterns of Wood Turtles in Northern Michigan
2:20pm • S-09: Quantifying angler harvest decisions using four decades of creel survey data
2:20pm • S-10: Aquatic Vegetation Survey Methods in Iowa
2:20pm • S-11: Species Distribution Modeling of Distocambarus spp. in the Physiographic Piedmont Region of South Carolina
2:20pm • S-12: Reconstructing wetland garden productivity and resilience at Cahokia, Illinois (900-1350 AD)
2:20pm • Fisheries Track: Recruitment of Channel Catfish stocked as advanced fingerlings and yearlings in Ohio reservoirs
2:20pm • Fisheries Track: Built to Last? Evaluating the Condition of Fish Habitat Structures in Missouri’s Ozark Reservoirs
2:40pm • Fisheries Track: Trends in Population Status and Range-Wide Geographic Patterns of Genetic Variation for the Federally Petitioned Bluestripe Darter
2:40pm • Wildlife Track: River-Floodplain Connectivity: Effects on Ecological Communities in Restored Wetlands along the Lower Missouri River
2:40pm • S-04: Brook Trout Restoration in Iowa using Multi-Pass Electrofishing to Removal Nonnatives
2:40pm • S-07: Invasive Carp Removals in Missouri River Tributaries
2:40pm • S-08: Herpetofauna use of canebrake habitat in southern Illinois
2:40pm • S-10: Point Intercept Sampling for Aquatic Macrophytes in Northern Michigan Inland Lakes
2:40pm • S-12: Native Landscapes: Engaging and Empowering Community
2:40pm • Fisheries Track: Assessment of Channel Catfish Population Demographics in Illinois Impoundments and Evaluation of Spawning Boxes
3:00pm • Coffee Break
3:20pm • Fisheries Track: Linking Stream Fish Thermal Ecology and Adaptive Capacity to Prioritize Watershed Areas with Greatest Value for Conservation
3:20pm • S-07: Invasive Carp Removal Approaches in the Missouri River Basin
3:20pm • S-08: Resurveying the Amphibians and Reptiles of Chicagoland Forest Preserves
3:20pm • S-09: Anonymous Location Data Integrated with Intercept Surveys: A Powerful Combined Approach to Measuring Lake Recreation
3:20pm • S-10: Ohio’s invasive Hydrilla response: case studies and lessons learned
3:20pm • S-11: First Comprehensive Habitat Survey of the Upper Guyandotte River and Pinnacle Creek for an Endangered Crayfish (Cambarus veteranus).
3:20pm • S-12: Growing native edible plants for food and wildlife in farms and gardens.
3:20pm • Fisheries Track: Identifying potential sources of natural recruitment of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan
3:40pm • Fisheries Track: Navigating the Currents: Investigating Environmental Cues for Pallid Sturgeon Immigration and Emigration for a Missouri River Tributary
3:40pm • S-07: Monitoring Invasive Bigheaded Carp Movement Across Sub-basins in Response to Removal Efforts
3:40pm • S-08: Ecology of an Urban Population of Common Snapping Turtles in Indiana
3:40pm • S-09: Using resource size-use models to predict how climate cycles influence angler effort
3:40pm • S-10: Reservoir Habitat Management in Ohio – The Past, Present, and Future
3:40pm • S-11: Preliminary Evaluation of Two Active Sampling Methods for Crayfishes on the Southern Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee
3:40pm • Fisheries Track: Examining stunted Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) population in River Reservoir
3:50pm • S-12: Ducks Plus: Cultivating Sustainable Landscapes with Partners
4:00pm • Fisheries Track: Dispersal of Juvenile Lake Sturgeon Stocked in the Saginaw River Basin
4:00pm • S-07: Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, roll in developing and maintaining invasive carp removal programs through the commercial fishing industry
4:00pm • S-08: Temporal variation in occupancy dynamics of ringed (Ambystoma annulatum) and marbled (A. opacum) salamanders in Missouri
4:00pm • S-09: Planning for our public: results from Wisconsin's 2023 mixed-methods recreation study
4:00pm • S-10: Employing Recreational Side-Scan Sonar to Evaluate the Relationship between Aquatic Vegetation and Sportfish Catch Rates across Ohio Reservoirs
4:00pm • S-11: Evaluation of Eye Stalk Microchemistry as a Potential Indicator of Crayfish Environmental History
4:00pm • Fisheries Track: Applications of Environmental DNA Metabarcoding to Fish Biodiversity Assessments of Missouri Ozark Stream and Mississippi River Lowland Habitats
4:10pm • S-12: Incorporating Ecological Design for Production and Resilience: A Case Study in the Lower Missouri River Floodplain
4:20pm • S-07: Copious Copi: Using Incentives and Marketing to Control Bigheaded Carps
4:20pm • S-08: Weather weirding and frog phenology: how some species may adapt to climate change
4:20pm • S-09: Producer's views on conservation programs in the Rainwater Basin region of Nebraska
4:20pm • S-10: In the Weeds: The Role of Aquatic Macrophytes in Predicting the Success of Walleye Recruitment in Minnesota and Wisconsin
4:20pm • S-11: Clawing for Survival: Mapping Invasive and Endemic Crayfishes in the Upper Saint Francis River Basin
4:20pm • Fisheries Track: Benefits and pitfalls of using time-lapse-photography to collect urban angler information
4:20pm • Fisheries Track: Reproductive Characteristics of a Vulnerable Riverine Specialist in the Unchannelized Missouri River
4:30pm • S-12: Not Just for Ducks: Facilitated Discussion
4:40pm • S-07: Use of Invasive Species to Address Food Security
4:40pm • S-08: Population genetics of the crawfish frog (Rana areolata) in Oklahoma support a single taxon with little genetic differentiation
4:40pm • S-09: Discussion: Social Science Needs and Priorities
4:40pm • S-10: Public and Professional Perspectives on Aquatic Plant Management and Research
4:40pm • Fisheries Track: Lessons and advice on the development of a mobile-entry platform
4:40pm • Fisheries Track: Native Rough Fish Management Progress in Minnesota
6:00pm • Poster Session & Tradeshow Social - C0-Sponsored by Aquatic Control, HDR Engineering & NASA
6:00pm • P-01: Efficacy of Trapping Programs to Control Raccoon Populations
6:00pm • P-02: Zoonotic disease and diet surveys of raccoons (Procyon lotor) across urban-rural gradients in St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri.
6:00pm • P-03: Exploring Variation in Immune Physiology and Movement in White-Tailed Deer
6:00pm • P-04: Impacts of Targeted Removals on White-tailed Deer Behavior
6:00pm • P-05: Analysis of Trap Design Characteristics of Fisher Monitoring Stations
6:00pm • P-06: Effect of Prairie Dog Burrow Density on Intensity of Ticks on Small Mammals in South Dakota
6:00pm • P-07: Using Camera Traps to Explore Coyote Presence Across an Urbanization Gradient in St. Louis
6:00pm • P-08: Examining the Intraspecies and Interspecies Communication Between Canid Species in Central Wisconsin
6:00pm • P-09: Survey of mammal biodiversity in a midwestern urban natural area using trail cameras: a collaboration between Missouri Western State University (MWSU) and Snapshot USA (2022-2024)
6:00pm • P-10: Predicting habitat suitability for endangered Indiana bats using niche-based distribution modeling
6:00pm • P-11: Bat Communities along an Urbanization Gradient in St. Louis, MO
6:00pm • P-12: Comparing Pre and Post White-nose Syndrome Distributions of Three Bat Species in Eastern Nebraska
6:00pm • P-13: Exploring Fecal and Environmental DNA Detection of Bat Species of Greatest Conservation Need via Nanopore Adaptive Sampling
6:00pm • P-14: Tracking Black-crowned Night-herons Across Chicagoland
6:00pm • P-15: Optimizing Density Estimation Methods Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Eastern-Whip-poor-wills (Antrostromus vociferus)
6:00pm • P-16: Activity patterns of Eastern Whip-poor-wills across different Midwestern forest management regimes
6:00pm • P-17: Nestling fecal metabarcoding provides insights into the diet and habitat quality of a declining grassland passerine
6:00pm • P-18: Long-term Dynamics of Seasonal Tree Phenology and Forest Songbird Populations Across the Central Hardwoods (Preliminary Findings)
6:00pm • P-19: Is there a shift in Migration Timing of Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus)?
6:00pm • P-20: Assessing Bird-Window Strike Collisions: Patterns of Avian Mortality and Mitigation Strategies at Ball State University
6:00pm • P-21: Role of acorns in Red-headed Woodpecker overwintering in northeastern Illinois
6:00pm • P-22: Investigating Wild Turkey Poult and Hen Diets Across Kansas: Landscape Influences on Arthropod and Plant Diversity
6:00pm • P-23: Functional Connectivity of Blanding’s Turtle Habitat in Central Michigan
6:00pm • P-24: Spatial Ecology of Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) on Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge, Northwest Missouri
6:00pm • P-25: Demographics of Two Spotted Turtle Populations in Clark County, Ohio
6:00pm • P-26: Assessment of Spotted Turtle Populations in Southwestern Ohio
6:00pm • P-27: Metapopulation Dynamics of Urban Turtles: Why Did the Turtle Leave Campus?
6:00pm • P-28: Spatial and temporal patterns in Galapagos giant tortoise nesting activity
6:00pm • P-29: The Incubation Duration of Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) Nests Located on Cape Lookout National Shoreline
6:00pm • P-30: Indirect Monitoring of Burmese Python (Python Bivittatus) Populations Through Cause-Specific Mortality of Virginia Opossums (Didelphis Virginiana) In Key Largo, Florida, USA
6:00pm • P-31: On The Overwintering Temperatures Of Eastern Copperheads (Agkistrodon contortrix) in East-Central Missouri And The Influence Of Substrate And Shaded Air Temperature On Emergence, Egress, And Ingress
6:00pm • P-32: Herpetofauna and Tarantula Avoidance: A Missouri Glades Location Survey
6:00pm • P-33: St. Louis Wildlife Project
6:00pm • P-34: Testing for Tick-borne Disease Pathogens in the Lone Star Tick in St. Louis
6:00pm • P-35: Measuring welfare of wild tarantulas during field surveys using heart rate.
6:00pm • P-36: Conservation Status Assessments and Surveys of Cambarus monongalensis and Lacunicambarus thomai Within Western Pennsylvania
6:00pm • P-37: A Survey of Crayfishes of the Upper Cumberland & Kentucky River Watersheds in Southeastern Kentucky
6:00pm • P-38: Effects of Environmental Variables on Crayfish Occupancy in Shallow Eutrophic Lakes and Wetlands
6:00pm • P-39: Freshwater Mussel Diversity and Restoration in Cub Creek, Nebraska
6:00pm • P-40: Integrating eDNA Techniques in Freshwater Biomonitoring of Fish and Macroinvertebrates
6:00pm • P-41: Quantifying Avian Predation Rates of the Colorado Pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius)
6:00pm • P-42: Assessment of Fish Guilds in the Lower Wabash River Using Standardized Long-Term Monitoring
6:00pm • P-43: Understanding our past and forecasting our future: discovering associations among hydrogeomorphology, water chemistry, and the distribution and abundance of biota in the Upper Mississippi River System
6:00pm • P-44: Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) Aquatic Life Monitoring in the Illinois River and Kaskaskia River Basins
6:00pm • P-45: A Comparison of Gear Efficacy for Sampling Fishes Occupying Near-Shore, Off-Channel Riverine Habitats
6:00pm • P-46: Planning for Resiliency: Identifying Aquatic Conservation Priorities
6:00pm • P-47: Fishing for recovery: Assessing stream fish and macroinvertebrate community response post-fertilizer spill into an Illinois creek.
6:00pm • P-48: Life History of Skipjack Herring in the Mississippi River
6:00pm • P-49: Thermal Ecology of Salmonids in Northern Japan: Predicting Co-existence Among Competitors in a Warming World
6:00pm • P-50: Spatial Extent of Fish Community Change in an Indiana Stream Following Reconnection to the Mississippi River Basin
6:00pm • P-51: Assessing Differences in Reproductive Potential in Two Shovelnose Sturgeon Populations
6:00pm • P-52: From the cradle: genetic diversity of the central Missouri endemic Niangua darter (Etheostoma nianguae)
6:00pm • P-53: Distributional Survey of the Fishes of the Lower St. Francis River Watershed
6:00pm • P-54: Assessing Fish Passage Barriers in Wyoming and Montana
6:00pm • P-55: Investigating the sublethal responses of Smallmouth Bass to environmentally relevant concentrations of PFOS
6:00pm • P-56: Evidence of skin pigment mutations in Blue Catfish and their importance to a Midwestern fishery
6:00pm • P-57: Assessment of Habitat Suitability in Maumee and Sandusky Rivers for Sauger (Sander canadensis) Reintroduction
6:00pm • P-58: Stock-Contribution Comparisons for Walleye Over Time in Lake McConaughy, Nebraska
6:00pm • P-59: Assessing Ogaa Mortality and Angling Practices in a Changing Climate
6:00pm • P-60: Diet composition and overlap of walleye and largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin lakes: implications for walleye recruitment and size structure of prey fish
6:00pm • P-61: Building a case for holistic and conservative management of a genetically unique strain of Walleye in Southern Missouri
6:00pm • P-62: Growth and Mortality of Devils Lake White Bass
6:00pm • P-63: Where the lake whitefish are in the upper Great Lakes
6:00pm • P-64: How will growth of warm-water and cool-water fish change with warming climate?
6:00pm • P-65: Big and Small, We Sample Them All: An Assessment of Missouri’s Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) Fisheries to Guide Management and Sampling Efforts
6:00pm • P-66: Examining Age-length Relationships across North Platte Channel Catfish (Ictalurus Punctatus)
6:00pm • P-67: Population Demographics of Three Major Catfish Species on the Wabash River
6:00pm • P-68: Maintaining Trophy Potential of Riverine Smallmouth Bass Populations in the Menominee River
6:00pm • P-69: Evaluating Natural Recruitment of Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Black Crappie in Two Community Fishing Ponds in Southeastern South Dakota
6:00pm • P-70: Abundance and growth rates of Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) from Lake Michigan and connected tributary habitats
6:00pm • P-71: Factors Affecting Detection Efficiencies of Acoustic Transmitters in a Large Midwestern Reservoir
6:00pm • P-72: Sanding or Sectioning: how does otolith preparation method affect reader agreement?
6:00pm • P-73: Temporal Replication of Assigned Ages for Silver Carp Otoliths
6:00pm • P-74: Evaluating Flood-Induced Habitat Connections Using Remotely Sensed Data
6:00pm • P-75: Natal Origin and Movement of Invasive Carp in the Missouri River Basin
6:00pm • P-76: Investigating Bigheaded Carp Migratory Behavior in a Large Lotic System
6:00pm • P-77: Temporal Occupancy of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) within Tributaries of the Ohio River
6:00pm • P-78: Community Sampling Gears Affect Silver Carp Density Estimates Derived from Hydroacoustic Surveys
6:00pm • P-79: Spatial and Temporal Trends of Silver Carp Body Condition in the Ohio River
6:00pm • P-80: Tracking Movement and Habitat Utilization of Invasive Carp Within the Presence Front of the Ohio River
6:00pm • P-81: Evaluating Conspecific Feeding Sounds as an Attractant for Invasive Carp
6:00pm • P-82: Genetic control of grass carp through RNA interference
6:00pm • P-83: Determining hybridization of bighead and silver carp by analyzing body shape with geometric morphometric techniques
6:00pm • P-84: Impacts of Spatiotemporal Variation of Hydrological Conditions on Native and Invasive Ichthyoplankton Communities in the Lower Wabash River Basin
6:00pm • P-85: Quantifying the Impacts of Invasive Carp through Monitoring Native, Planktivorous Gizzard Shad in the Open River Reach
6:00pm • P-86: How invasive carp removal affects fish community size spectra.
6:00pm • P-87: EcoPath with Ecosim: Application in the lower Mississippi River for Invasive Bighead and Silver Carp Management
6:00pm • P-88: Invasive Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and the impact on native fish communities throughout the Mississippi River basin
6:00pm • P-89: Effects of Embryonic Exposure to Predation Cues on Embryo and Larval Behavior in Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas)
6:00pm • P-90: Density and community composition of aquatic invertebrates in interdunal wetland ponds at Ludington State Park, MI, USA
6:00pm • P-91: Comparisons of Zooplankton Communities Before and After Chemical Renovation in Lake Ogallala, Nebraska
6:00pm • P-92: Angler use and satisfaction of South Dakota urban and community fisheries following supplemental stocking of adult Largemouth Bass and Hybrid Sunfish
6:00pm • P-93: Fishy Business: How to Market the Outdoors
6:00pm • P-94: Urban Wildlife Management success: Eleven years of Canada goose (Branta Canadensis) population management on Missouri Western State University campus.
6:00pm • P-95: Subject Matter Focus of State Fish and Wildlife Conservation Magazines
6:00pm • P-96: Development and Cloud Implementation of the New Annual National Land Cover Database for the United States
6:00pm • P-97: Impact of L-Dopa on the growth and development of Brassica: Insights from velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) seed metabolomics
6:00pm • P-98: Velvet bean soil inclusions enhance tomatoes' growth, biomass, and photosynthetic assimilation efficiency
6:00pm • P-99: The Next Frontier: Development of a Lake Fish Biogeographical Model in the Canadian Shield, Minnesota